Chapter 73: Sister-in-Law, You Really Know How to Play

Bei Ling'er bit her lip tightly.

The raging fury and the courage to fight to the death that had just arisen from her anger,

Under these photographs, melted away like ice and snow under the blazing sun.

"Lu Yang, you bastard!"

Bei Ling'er could feel her own powerlessness.

"A man is not bad, a woman will not love. Sooner or later, you're going to fall in love with me," Lu Yang forcefully kissed Bei Ling'er on the face and left with a loud laugh.

As Bei Ling'er heaved a sigh of relief, she also fiercely wiped the spot where Lu Yang had kissed, feeling utterly miserable.

No, she couldn't let Lu Yang continue to be so arrogant.

She must find a way to fight back.


Those photos were the key.

Apparently, she needed to find a way to delete those photos from Lu Yang's phone.

"Sister-in-law, you're quite early for work today!" Lu Yang entered Mi Ying's office and took the initiative to lock the office door.