Chapter 136 Auntie is Giving a Lecture

The Qingluan Group has a total of five major business chains.

Cosmetics, real estate development and construction, beverage and food, clothing design and production, hotels.

Lin Qingxue oversees the overall situation and is personally in charge of the cosmetics business chain.

As the group's vice president, Sister-in-law Mi Ying has the responsibility of overviewing the entire operation, but she also has specific business chains under her charge.

The one she is responsible for is the beverage and food sector.

She is currently on a business trip to inspect a factory that is about to go bankrupt, not to acquire it, but to purchase its beverage production line.

According to Sister-in-law Mi Ying, it will take a few more days before she can return.

"Sister-in-law, if you encounter any difficulties, just tell me straight. When you're out and about, business comes second, the most important thing is to ensure your own safety!" Lu Yang said with concern.