Chapter 138: Deadly to Both Men and Women

Bei Ling'er's car was a BMW 5 Series.

The color of the car wasn't that striking red of Ouyang Qinglian's Cayenne but a normal white.

The car smelled lovely.

It was all Bei Ling'er's scent.

Lu Yang thought he should develop his relationship with Bei Ling'er more.

When it came to assisting him in cultivation while being with Lin Qingxue, nobody was better suited than Bei Ling'er.

After all, Bei Ling'er was Lin Qingxue's secretary and had more opportunities to contact her than the average person.

Such frequent contact naturally brought about more opportunities to cultivate.

However, considering that he was now going to find Aunt Liang Jiayun, he was afraid he wouldn't have time to have lunch with Bei Ling'er…

So he sent a message to Bei Ling'er, arranging dinner instead.

He let Bei Ling'er pick the place, after all, she was the host!

An annual salary of six hundred thousand, earning so much, inviting him for a good meal should be quite reasonable, right?