Chapter 184: Giving In Too Quickly

Guo Liang understood.

The people from Canghai Commerce Association not only knew Lu Yang but were also afraid of him.

Therefore, Lu Yang was not an ordinary person.

Although he could not remember such a figure in Nandu.

But that did not affect his swift change of strategy.

Turn enemies into friends!

He wanted to make friends with Lu Yang.

He was a rich second-generation, no doubt, and the backup of the Guo Family, a powerful household in Nandu, was also true.

But he wasn't a completely brainless rich second-generation.

This could be seen from the fact that Jiang Dan's mere threat of exposure with a social media account made him stop, showing that Guo Liang was actually a very rational rich second-generation.

In fact, brainless rich second-generations are a minority.

Most people from privileged backgrounds generally have high standards.

Especially when it comes to bullying the weak and fearing the strong, they are trained to perfection.