Chapter 215: Infidelity and Keeping a Mistress

Lin Qingxue's driving skills.

Were pretty steady.

She could be counted as one of the better-skilled female drivers.

If it hadn't been for an emergency, she definitely wouldn't have slammed on the brakes like that.

So Lu Yang hurried out of the car and ran over.

Strangely, after executing an emergency brake, Lin Qingxue didn't show any signs of getting out of the car.

Lu Yang knocked on the window, "Wife, what's the matter?"

"Nothing!" Lin Qingxue replied coldly through the rolled-down window and restarted the car to continue on the road.

But Lu Yang's heart sank in an instant.

Because he saw that Lin Qingxue's icy face was filled with anger.

He couldn't help but wonder.

Could she have sensed something?

Or had Jiang Yue confessed something?

Lu Yang immediately became full of apprehensions...

Damn it, it wasn't easy for him to cultivate, was it? He had to take everything into account; it was just too hard for him.

Meanwhile, inside Lin Qingxue's car.