In the afternoon, after the ladies of the Jueluo Clan left, Ye Zao looked in on her son, then went to sleep.
On the carriage, Ye Ying asked, "Sister-in-law, that child is the Twentieth Prince, but won't our eldest sister suffer a loss?"
"What do you think?" the lady from the Jueluo Clan asked with a smile.
"I... I don't think so. His Majesty is a good person," Ye Ying said, nodding seriously.
The lady from the Jueluo Clan couldn't help but laugh, "Silly girl. Alright, you're still young and don't understand these things," she said, pulling her into an embrace. "You'll understand when you're older."
Whether His Majesty was a good person wasn't the point...
It was Lady Ming's intelligence that mattered.
Although, the lady from the Jueluo Clan thought, most women wouldn't dare to do what she did.
She wouldn't dare.
But then again, she reflected that their family's master wasn't His Majesty, so they didn't need to be so overly cautious.