Chapter 34: Shen Mingzhu Returns to Her Maternal Home and Quarrels with Her Mother

"Zhou Hao's stepmom wants to know what you've been up to recently."

Shen Mingzhu had intended to brush off the question, but then she thought better of it. She couldn't set a bad example for her stepchild by encouraging him to lie.

"Just tell her I've been reading books and studying at home."

She'd registered for the self-study exam at Provincial University at the end of September, majoring in Chinese Language and Literature. With the exams coming up in January, she indeed had been studying at home recently.

Perhaps surprised by her honesty, Pei Ziheng glanced at her but didn't say anything.

However, Shen Baolan didn't believe Shen Mingzhu was really studying at home. She suspected that Mingzhu was probably concocting some other money-making schemes.

Unable to get the information she wanted from Pei Ziheng, she decided to take matters into her own hands.

So, that evening, after dinner, Shen Baolan uncharacteristically arrived at their door with a half-bag of fresh dates.