Chapter 44: Dreaming of Pei Yang's Death

Ma Sufen's eyes widened, hardly believing her own ears.

"What did you say? Say that again?"

Shen Baolan calmly took another bite of her apple before she spoke, "This child that I'm carrying is of your Zhou family lineage. If we're getting divorced, fine, I'll go and abort the child right now!"

Ma Sufen slowly lowered her raised hand, her eyes falling on Shen Baolan's stomach, filled with both shock and joy at once.

"You, you're really pregnant?"

Shen Baolan didn't respond and instead took another big bite of her apple, crunching loudly as she ate, her demeanor saying "what do you think?"

Liu Cuihua quickly told Ma Sufen about her daughter's recent behavior, "...I've been there, Baolan is definitely pregnant, she was just sick earlier, look, over there."

Everyone looked where Liu Cuihua pointed, at a puddle of yellow and white vomit, filthy and nauseating, yet no one showed a sign of disgust.