Chapter 234: The Traitor


"You better leave immediately and stop causing trouble here," the officer warned. "If you don't go now, we will take you all into custody for disturbing public order."

Unable to deal with Pei Yang, who was as tough as nails, Huang Yuan simply called the police in the hope of intimidating Pei Yang into backing down.

This move by Huang Yuan did have some effect.

The elderly men and women enticed by Pei Yang's offer of "two pounds of sugar" to help witness began to have second thoughts upon seeing the police arrive.

They weren't about to exchange the small benefit they were promised for a trip to the police station for reeducation.

"Forget it, I don't want the sugar anymore. I'm leaving," one of them said.

"I don't want it either," another echoed.

One by one, about a dozen people left, and Pei Yang did not stop them.

Seven or eight remained, but they stood at a distance, undecided whether to stay or go.