The eunuch's voice, slightly high-pitched and hoarse, carried from a distance, carrying a certain majesty and shifting the attention of those gathered.
The village already housed a reclusive, ailing Emperor and the Grand Princess who accompanied her son for medical treatment, so why had an imperial decree from the Empress Dowager arrived now?
Though they had grown accustomed to the presence of illustrious figures, the villagers' curiosity was still uncontainable.
A collective turning of heads resembled a wave of people, all looking towards the village path—
Feng Yun wasted no time commanding Xing Bing to keep a close watch on Lady Chen and her group, quickly setting down the hand warmer, rising to her feet, straightening her clothes, and stepping down the stairs to receive the visitor.
The sound of horse hooves grew steadily closer.
It wasn't just one person, but three or four.