Chapter 5: Like mother, like daughter_2

La Fengzhu was not satisfied upon hearing this. She clearly interpreted Li Li's words as excuses made on behalf of that bad student, Pei Shangxuan, and she was determined to rearrange the seating.

Li Li secretly observed their homeroom teacher's solemn expression, anticipating that her time as desk mates with Pei Shangxuan was about to end. She was somewhat disappointed, and felt a reluctance to let it happen.

"Ms. Li, Pei Shangxuan and I are good friends, and I hope he can progress with me." She expressed her thoughts subtly.

It was unclear whether La Fengzhu had compromised for Li Li's sake, or whether it was after noting an improvement in Pei Shangxuan's grades, but after the winter break when school resumed, Pei Shangxuan and Li Li remained seats mates.

Li Li didn't move in with her stepfather, Liu Zhixian, along with Li Meiqing; besides visiting for New Year's, she stayed at her grandmother's during the entire winter break. The Liu family lived in public housing, and Liu Qianren had his own separate room — there were no spare rooms for Li Li even if she had wanted to move in.

Liu Zhixian expressed his apologies for separating her from her mother, and Li Li thought to herself what a great man he was, repeatedly saying, "It's okay," hoping he wouldn't mind. Her relationship with Li Meiqing wasn't as close as Liu Zhixian had perceived. Moreover, with Liu Qianren around, she preferred to keep her distance.

Li Li felt a pair of cold, watchful eyes on her from a corner, and she turned her face to avoid Liu Qianren's gaze.

After the winter break, a super beautiful girl named Han Yichen transferred into Class 4. The moment La Fengzhu led her into the classroom, the entire class collectively let out a "wow" of astonishment.

Standing confidently on the podium, Han Yichen — aware of her own beauty — introduced herself by saying that she transferred due to moving, and hoped to integrate into the group quickly.

Li Li clapped in welcome for the new student as a matter of course, while at the same time, she noticed her desk mate Pei Shangxuan's intent gaze. A bitter taste inexplicably sprouted in her heart.

It took just half a day, after four morning classes, for Han Yichen's fame to spread throughout the school. The number of people flocking to the door of Class 2 (4) to catch a glimpse of the beauty was so large that Li Li almost thought every boy in the school had come to admire her looks. She jokingly pondered setting up a stall at the classroom door and charging a fifty-cent entrance fee.

The original group of beauties in Class 4 felt an unprecedented threat and, although normally they were discordant, they now came together to whisper secretly about the enchanting Han Yichen. Pei Shangxuan, upon witnessing this, sarcastically laughed at how terrible women's jealousy can be, all the while his eyes lingered over Han Yichen, who sat diagonally behind him.

Li Li suddenly realized a fact: Pei Shangxuan would one day like some girl and then drift away from her.

Does a forever friend truly exist?

The classroom atmosphere grew increasingly subtle, evolving from behind-the-scenes manipulation to a clear division into two camps. Under Li Li's seemingly casual guidance, the class president Wu Lina and a few other girls who had lost their spotlight formed an alliance, entering and leaving together to double up their beauty effect.

Li Li had initially intended to sit back and enjoy the show from a distance, but Pei Shangxuan's looks at Han Yichen made her uneasy, as though there was a thorn constantly pricking her. So one noon, when Li Li overheard Wu Lina and Qiu Yuerong resentfully discussing Han Yichen's right and wrong in the restroom, she pretended to say nonchalantly, "Can't outshine her alone, so double up to not let her steal all the limelight?"

Sure enough, the combined beauty successfully drew more attention, and for the moment the various forms of ostracism against Han Yichen quieted down. However, Li Li still couldn't find joy, as Pei Shangxuan was looking back at Han Yichen more and more frequently.

"Do you like her?" On the way home two weeks later, Li Li bluntly asked.

Pei Shangxuan blushed uncomfortably, feigning ignorance, "Who are you talking about?"

"Stop pretending." Li Li sniffed disdainfully, "Si Ma Zhao's intentions are known to all. You look back at Han Yichen more than you pay attention to the teacher in class."

"I am not looking at her." The young man argued, stubbornly denying it. Faced with Li Li's knowing look, Pei Shangxuan stammered in his defense, "Even if I did take a few glances, it was when she was answering questions."

"Oh, really?" Li Li tilted her head, smiling inscrutably, "Pei Shangxuan, why don't you watch me when I answer questions?"