Chapter 5: Like mother, like daughter_7


Liu Qianren came out of his room, walked over to the coffee table to pour himself some water. Seeing this, Li Li slightly moved her book aside to avoid her homework getting wet while he poured.

With mischief, Liu Qianren curled up a shallow smile. His wrist twisted, the cup tilted slightly, and a stream of water gushed from the rim onto Li Li's notebook—immediately the waterstain spread, "drowning" her freshly completed problems.

"Childish," Li Li lifted her head and coldly gazed at the handsome boy.

Liu Qianren shrugged nonchalantly. "Sorry, sister, my hand slipped." He wore a critical smile and lightly snorted disdainfully, "You look ugly with glasses."

"Whether I look good or not is none of your concern," Li Li shook the water off her workbook and began tidying up the textbooks on the coffee table. Liu Qianren's gaze flickered as he took a seat on the sofa with his water glass, casually flipping open her notebook.