Chapter 6 Help You, Help Her_7

The day they went to school to pick up their report cards, Pei Shangxuan and Li Li chanced upon each other at the entrance of the alley and walked side by side towards the school, just like usual. He mentioned offhandedly that this might be their last walk together.

Li Li felt a pang of sadness instantly. Their assembly, as fleeting as the dispersing clouds and flowing water, struck the hearts of the 15-year-old boys and girls more deeply than the blissful ignorance of their elementary school graduation, making them keenly aware of the sorrow of parting. Companions whom they had spent days and nights with would one day scatter in different directions, and in the vast sea of humanity, the faces they met throughout their lives would continually be replaced with new ones. Who could guarantee that they would remember every face that passed by them throughout their life?