Chapter 7: Juvenile Delinquent_4

Li Li's first act upon returning home was to run through four alleyways to Pei Shangxuan's house. She pressed the doorbell, and fearing that the people upstairs wouldn't hear it, she simultaneously knocked on the door loudly while calling out his name.

Soon, someone came downstairs to open the door; it was Pei Shangxuan's father.

"Li Li," Pei Shangxuan's father called out her name, moving his lips as if to say something, but in the end, he just sighed heavily with a grave expression on his face.

"Uncle, where's Shangxuan? I heard he's gotten into trouble, but he was fine the last time I saw him." Li Li saw Pei Shangxuan's father start to speak but then stop, and her heart sank continuously as the thought "what if it's a joke" shattered into pieces. She couldn't help but cry.