Chapter 9 Take Me Away_3

In the spring festival of 1996, Li Li's grandmother passed away. The old lady left the world silently in her sleep on the third day of the new year, departing in absolute serenity.

Li Li was heartbroken. She had lived with her grandmother since she was little and was practically raised single-handedly by the old woman. Sometimes Li Li felt closer to her grandmother than to her mother or herself. Although her grandmother could barely recognize a few characters and had become severely hard of hearing later in life, often incomprehensibly answering questions posed to her, Li Li still enjoyed talking to her, especially to complain about Li Meiqing's wrongdoings.

The name Pei Shangxuan came up frequently in Li Li's conversations. When her grandmother could still hear, she would touch her granddaughter's face with her calloused hands and say the boy would eventually appreciate the kindness Li Li had for him.

Li Li cheerfully asked, "How many years do I have to wait?"