Chapter 10 Not Your Boyfriend

During the winter break, Li Li borrowed "The Thorn Birds" from the school library and brought it home, immersing herself in Meggie and Ralph's half-century-long entanglement. She was so engrossed that she couldn't even put the book down during meals, which earned her a tap on the forehead from Li Meiqing, who called her a "bookworm." Li Li glanced at her mother and hurriedly shoveled rice into her mouth.

Liu Qianren sat opposite them, his indifferent gaze swept through Li Meiqing, silencing her. In this reconstituted family, he held a pivotal status—at least he had considerable deterrent power over his stepmother. He always subtly extricated her from Li Meiqing's scolding, a fact which Li Li vaguely noticed and subconsciously chose not to probe deeper.