Chapter 10 Not Your Boyfriend_4


Perhaps it was not just her own sentiment; Li Li noticed that her mother's face had taken on an unsightly hue, and then Liu Zhixian held Li Meiqing's hand as if accidentally, grasping it tightly and inexplicably putting onlookers at ease.

She had never understood what it was about her mother that Liu Zhixian had fallen for. Being Li Meiqing's daughter, it was absurdly difficult to find a reason that convinced herself, but seeing this scene, Li Li felt relieved. Liu Qianren saw it too, a meaningful, faint smile appearing on his lips.

He didn't say goodbye to Li Li. Instead, he just glanced at her through the crowd of family members seeing him off. That glance was too brief; Li Li couldn't catch the emotions hidden in his eyes.

The Boeing 747 soared into the sky; Liu Qianren was leaving the city. She watched the silver plane pass overhead, like a giant bird spreading its wings to fly.

Leaving, would he ever come back?