Chapter 9: The Smiling Tiger


April was fragrant, and all things revived.

South of C City, nestled on the mid-mountain slopes, lay the secluded Gu Mansion, hidden amongst the mountains and forests.

It was morning, and inside the Gu Mansion, the servants bustled about, some anxious, some hurried, others racing—no one daring to slack off.

Soon, a man in a white shirt strode forward, his face expressionless in the morning halo, showing neither joy nor decipherable mood.

"Mr. Gu," a voice called by the butler, Qu He, who bowed respectfully.

The man grunted in acknowledgment, as if to say yes.

His pace was measured as he fastened his cufflinks with a nonchalant elegance.

After a few steps, he paused briefly and said, "Go fetch my coat."

Qu He acknowledged with an "ah" and turned to ascend the stairs to the master's bedroom.

Downstairs, in the dining room, Xu Fang, the special assistant to the president of Junhua Group, stood to the side reporting the day's schedule and important social engagements. The man listened indifferently, spooning his food with an ineffable grace.

"Boss, the morning business paper," Xu Fang said, passing the newspaper in hand.

Gu Jiangnian took it, shook it open with a flick of his wrist, and glanced over it with a languid gaze, but unexpectedly, his eyes fixed on it for a long time without moving.

This silence sparked Xu Fang's curiosity, who couldn't help but glance at the paper.

At that glance, he almost dropped his jaw in surprise.

The bold headline was just too eye-catching.

New Vice President of Huazhong Group——Jiang Muwan.

Xu Fang's gaze slowly shifted to his boss, who placed the newspaper gently on the dining table and then raised his hand to his lips, concealing the hint of a smile that had begun to form.

In April of '08, what shook the business circles of C City was undoubtedly the matter of the executive vice president of Huazhong.

While many in the circle talked about it with a sense of mirth, there was one person who was exceedingly happy to learn of it.

And that was Gu Jiangnian.

Some stand in this world for love, others for hate, and yet others seek someone similar to themselves.

Gu Jiangnian belonged to the latter.

The business and economic newspapers of C City were fraught with speculation.

Jiang Muwan's high-profile debut was enough to suppress any rumblings of ambition, and even more so, Yang Shan.

If Jiang Muwan had not quickly secured the vice president's position, then Yang Shan's brother would have just been a transfer. But Jiang Muwan's rapid and high-profile appearance indicated insider maneuvers that no one in the business world would be oblivious to.

Inside the Huazhong Office, Jiang Muwan stood before the desk, her slight smile unable to be concealed. Beside her, Fu Jing looked on, with a smile on her exquisitely made-up face, yet her eyes brimmed with tears.

Some people were born simply seeking justice for themselves.

Even if the time was painstakingly long, what was there to fear?

Behind her, a noise sounded, and Fu Jing quickly composed herself, turning to see Jiang Lin. She nodded slowly and then withdrew to one side.

"Father," Muwan turned around, a fond smile playing across her face.

"... ... ... ... ..." Jiang Lin found himself at a loss for words for a moment. He came with the intention of inquiring about Jiang Muwan's true intentions, but upon hearing her sweet, syrupy "father," half of his carefully planned speech dissipated.

He remembered the old patriarch's saying that everyone in this mortal world wishes for both sons and daughters.


When he spoke again, he simply asked, "Still getting used to it?"

"Not quite," she replied, then seemed troubled as she continued, "I'm afraid I might not be up to the task and was thinking of asking Grandfather to resign."

"Members of the Jiang Family should have the ability to face difficulties head-on," Jiang Lin said casually.

But in fact, from a situational standpoint, if Jiang Muwan truly did resign, it would be a slap in the face of the Jiang Family.

It would also lead to much gossip about Jiang Lin, a person in power, for how could he let himself die under public opinion?

"Come home for dinner tonight," Jiang Lin said warmly.

Jiang Muwan nodded in response, saying a simple, "Okay."

Outside the door, Fu Jing came in with a teacup, looked around the office, and seeing no one else, turned to Jiang Muwan to ask, "Has he left?"

The latter, with an indifferent expression and none of the warmth she had shown Jiang Lin, confirmed, "He's gone."

It was only in his lifetime that Jiang Lin came to realize his daughter was a smiling tiger.

A smiling tiger that devours her prey without spitting out the bones.

And so were the people around her.

Fu Jing picked up the tea from the tray and walked over to Muwan, handing her a cup. They leaned against the office desk, silently savoring their tea, looking more like they were enjoying afternoon tea in their own yard than preparing for a fierce battle.

The premium mist in the teacups wafted about, carrying the light, curling fragrance of tea to their noses. Fu Jing tasted her tea and asked lightly, "Will you change the office?"

"No," Jiang Muwan replied indifferently, then let out a shallow laugh, her voice carrying a chill, "I want him to know, what good is all the facade, if in the end, he cannot stay in power for long?"

That day, Yang Shan was driven to the brink of madness. Jiang Muwan taking the position of Executive Vice President was undoubtedly a slap in her face, yet after the slap was delivered, she couldn't show any displeasure.

With the old man pressing down from above, who would dare to stir the waters?

That evening, Jiang Muwan went home for dinner. The family appeared happily gathered at the dining table, yet under the table, the undercurrents were undoubtedly turbulent.

"How do you feel on your first day of the new position, Muwan?" Jiang Wei asked with a polite smile, which couldn't have been further from her true feelings.

"A bit unfamiliar," Jiang Muwan answered truthfully.

"No one becomes skilled in a day," Jiang Wei was about to say, but the grandfather interrupted her openly.

During the meal, nobody dared to voice any opinions.

It was a suffocating dinner.

Jiang Muwan was adept at hiding her feelings; even towards the woman who wrecked her family, she would affectionately call her "Aunt Yang" and never show any displeasure before others, even if the grandfather inquired, she would only say, "Parents each have their own fate in marriage, and as their children, we should not object."

Her words were watertight.

But truly?

Is that so?


After the dinner that evening, the Jiang family sat together drinking tea. The grandfather began reminiscing, inevitably mentioning the late matriarch. Mid-conversation, perhaps struck by a thought, he suddenly stopped, his gaze falling on Muwan. Seeing her neutral expression, he smoothly changed the subject.

There shouldn't have been any more to say, but Yang Shan, clearly discontent in her heart, made a pointed remark, "Father has such a good memory, still remembering things from so many years ago. I wonder if Muwan still remembers the things from her childhood."

Undoubtedly, this was a blatant reminder to Jiang Muwan not to forget how she had once pushed Jiang Sinan into the lake.

At those words, the room fell into silence.