Chapter 44: Staying at Gu Mansion

The night was too deep, and the croaking of frogs outside the window rose and fell in succession.

The evening clouds hid the moon so thoroughly that not even a sliver of it could be seen.

In the guest room, Gu Jiangnian sat in an armchair by the bed, his seemingly calm gaze actually teeming with undercurrents, resting on the woman on the bed.

When had he clashed with Jiang Muwan?

It was probably in the late autumn of '92, after dinner, he was supposed to be taking a walk with his mother when, by Hou Lake in Mengxi Garden, he saw someone flailing in the water. Young and thoughtless, and knowing how to swim, he dove in without hesitation.

Only when he pulled the person out, did he see the Jiang Family girl standing by the lake, her eyes burning with a fierce fire, as if she wished she could stomp him back into the water.

At that time, she was intent on drowning Jiang Sinan.

And he had accidentally rescued the man.