Chapter 71: Blowing Up the Bridge Across the River

All things in this mortal world have a cause.

The thorough silence and disappearance of those top figures in the city had but one reason.

Yet Hengxin was not part of this singular reason.

How could someone as ambitious as Gu Jiangnian allow Hengxin to vanish without a trace?

On the evening of August 2nd, a torrential downpour hit C City during the dog days of summer, fast and fierce.

It was as though it intended to submerge the entire city.

At dusk, within Huazhong Group's 22nd-floor office, Jiang Muwan stood by the window with arms crossed, her deep eyes harboring a gradually rising chill.

"Yang Yifan is contacting the last group of people now, if all goes well-----------," a voice sounded from behind, belonging to Fu Jing.

The gaze fell upon the woman standing before the window; that day, Jiang Muwan was dressed plainly, in a white short-sleeve shirt, jeans, and a pair of nude high heels. If not for the shoes, she would have been the epitome of a student's attire.