Chapter 112: Ji Yanting

On that day, Jiang Muwan, facing the rain curtain, visited a factory under Huazong's umbrella, dressed casually in sports attire, which made her seem somewhat approachable.

Huazong owned numerous factories, spread out among various cities. The place Jiang Muwan was headed was around C City, a three-hour round trip by car—not too far, but not exactly close either.

As she sped along the highway that day, Fu Jing glanced at the rearview mirror, noticed a vehicle following, and then gripped the steering wheel, slowly sighing.

"Let's just consider them as two extra bodyguards," Jiang Muwan instead reassured her.

"If they were our people, why would we worry at all? The old man blatantly keeps such a tight watch on us; we don't even have a moment's breath of relief. Ke Lang is waiting for us to make a move, and the tighter he watches, the more disadvantageous it is for us."

"We'll just have to take things as they come."