Five years, and still, the incident lingered in her mind like a thorn sealed deep within her psyche. She strived to stop thinking about him, to forget that night, but today, when that woman mentioned it, she realized how vividly she remembered that night from five years ago.
She remembered wearing that black, provocative nightgown that night, the one given to her by Yang Xueshan, who had also advised her that since it was a boy's first time inviting her to a room, she should look beautiful, and more enticing.
So, that night, after she arrived in the room, she took a bath and put the garment on.
Once she had it on, she didn't dare look at her reflection in the mirror. Following the instructions of that woman, she lit the incense she had brought with her, turned off the room's lights, leaving only the misty fragrance lamp on, and lay down on the bed.