Chapter 518: Whoever wrongs his little one, Huang Qingtian will always seek justice for her!


Just moments ago, as she was about to reach the apartment building, Mu Keren sent a text message to Huang Qingtian using her own phone.

The content of the message was simple, not mentioning the encounter with Ming Ai or the fact that she had been frightened by a spider, only these few words: "Huang Qingtian, I'm really missing you right now. Can you come home now?"

When he received such a message, Huang Qingtian was supervising Ling Feng in the installation of newly developed pinhole cameras at various locations.

When his phone rang, Huang Qingtian didn't pay much attention to it.

It was not until Ling Feng started to pack up his toolbox and reported to him, "All the pinhole cameras are installed. Boss, any other orders?"

"You go to the rest area and check if those rascals have returned! If they have, tell them to come to me!"

What Huang Qingtian meant was to see those rascals who had already met with Ming Ai.