Clarissa was already on her way out when her phone rang. She stopped to bring out the phone, her face glimmered as she stared at the caller ID which had the name 'Babe' written on it. It rang for the second time before she quickly picked up the call.

"Hello, babe, what's up?" Clarissa spoke, adjusting her handbag properly.

"Hello, my love." The voice of Sebastian came. "Do you have some time right now?"

"Yeah, I do. Anything I can do for you, bade?"

"Meet me at the park where we usually hang out."

"Why, what's this about?"

"Um... It's gonna be a surprise."

"Oh, is that so?" Clarissa's face flushed with happiness. "Okay, I'll be there."

The call ended and Clarissa pouted her lips. "Why the park?" She mumbled.

With a shrug, she walked to her car and entered and drove off.

Minutes later, Clarissa's white Bugatti came to a stop in the park and she alighted from it before taking a look around.

"Where is he?" She took out her phone to call him and that's when the lights came on. Bringing the park to life.

"Oh my gosh." Clarissa gasped, her hand clasped to her mouth to stop herself from screaming.

That was when she looked down and saw the red rose petals which were arrayed on the ground leading her forward. Amused, she followed it until she came to a place where her favourite chocolate candies were placed for her inside a beautiful bowl. She took one and bit into it before she continued moving.

The roses finally came to a stop at the main place which was decorated with balloons and ribbons with the lights glittering in such a way that took her breath. At the top was placed a banner that read ' BE MINE'

"What the...?" Clarissa laughed and then Sebastian emerged.

"Babe, when did you prepare all these?" She asked, her cheeks flushed red.

"About an hour ago," Sebastian replied with a chuckle.

"But what's all this?" Clarissa asked as she looked around.

Sebastian reached for his pocket and brought out the red box which he opened.

Clarissa gasped, her gaze went to Sebastian and back to the ring.

"Babe... What... What are you..."

"I don't wanna spend much time again so I'll get straight to the point," Sebastian said and went on one knee down.

Clarissa palmed her mouth.

"Will you marry me Clarissa Kings?" He asked softly.

Clarissa kept staring at him as she recalled all the time she had spent with him. She smiled widely, too widely and then nodded.

"Yes." She replied.

"Yes," Sebastian repeated after her.

"Yes. I'll marry you, Sebastian Harper." She nodded this time.

Sebastian happily slides the ring into her middle finger before standing up to hug her tightly.

Various confetti popped in the air and Lucas came out with his friends who they had invited. Among the invited was Marcelo would pretentiously had a smile as he watched them with a clenched fist. Some other of Sebastian's and Clarissa's friends were also present joining in the celebration.

"Congrats, dude." Marcelo came forward and said.

"Yeah, you gotta find yours soon." Sebastian laughed and parted Marcelo on his shoulder.

"You're engaged now Clarissa I'm so happy for you." One of Clarissa's friends said, hugging Clarissa.

"Thank you so much."Clarissa laughed as she proudly showcased the ring which glowed in the lights.

"So everyone, it's time to celebrate! Bills on me!" Sebastian announced and a cheer erupted as Sebastian led the way.

However, as they all started to leave, no one noticed the look that was passed between Marcelo and Clarissa.

<< 11:15 pm>>

It was already late when the merry band left leaving only Sebastian, Lucas, Marcelo and Clarissa.

"I should get going, I have an appointment tomorrow," Marcelo said as he stared at his watch.

"Alright man," Sebastian replied. They both shared a hug before Marcelo turned to leave.

"Let me take you home." Sebastian faced Clarissa and she nodded.

"Lucas, you drive my car. Let's talk tomorrow okay." Sebastian said and Lucas nodded.

"Alright, Sir. Goodnight to both of you." He replied and left too.

"Shall we?" Sebastian asked and held her hand.

"Yes, we shall," Clarissa replied.


The following morning at ORBIT company. Just as Sebastian walked into the company all the employees stood up to welcome their boss, all clapping with smiles on their faces.

Things were falling into place now. No setbacks no obstacles and mostly no death threats were witnessed by Sebastian Harpers. At least that was what he thought, not until he had woken up this morning feeling disturbed because of the dream he had.

Beads of sweat rolled down his face and his chest rose and fell due to the heavy breathing. However, he managed himself as all the employees had their gaze on him.

"Congratulations boss. You're getting married now." He heard them say.

"He is so handsome." One of the female employees whispered to the other woman beside her.

"And so hot, how I wish I could see his abs." The other woman whispered and they giggled.

Sebastian looked around, his gaze landed on Lucas.

"You told them?" He asked.

"Yes, boss. What's a good news if it isn't shared?" Lucas replied and Sebastian nodded.

Sebastian turned to the employees. "Thanks to you all. I also wish that the single here will be getting married soon." He said and a cheer erupted and the singles mumbled and amen among themselves.

Sebastian waved at them before following Lucas to his office.

"Alright. Let's see what we have here." Adjusting his suit, Sebastian sat down and for some minutes, he focused on the computer.

Lucas was arranging some things on the table when he suddenly heard his boss exclaim.

"Really, the golden contract? He faced Lucas.

"I believe this is a tax we have to face, boss. Two years ago when the chairman was still the CEO, he won the silver contract." Lucas explained.

Sebastian face palmed. 'seriously, my first day at work and he wants me to get the golden contract.' He thought.

"So, what're we gonna do?" Lucas asked the man in deep thought.

Sebastian's fingers continued to tap on the table as his brain worked. His fingers stopped moving.

"Contact Mr. Jordan's secretary, I need to have a meeting with Mr. Jordan." Sebastian finally said.

"What? You're just going head-on?" Lucas looked surprised.

It was not his first time making decisions in such a fast manner though and it usually worked for him, but this is Mr. Jordan they were talking about.

"It's what I do Lucas." Sebastian turned his chair to face the window. Below the window was a great view of the buzzing City.

"And what about production?" Lucas asked.

"Contact HR. Tell them what to do." Sebastian replied.

Lucas bowed slightly and turned to leave.

Sebastian kept on staring out, his gaze seemed even more far away. The dream he had still disturbed him, he could still hear it; the struggle, the stiffness and the bubbling. It was beginning to cloud his senses again.

His phone rang and he jolted like he had just been electrocuted.

His eyes moved to the phone on the desk and he picked it up. (UNKNOWN NUMBER).

He frowned and picked up the call.

He didn't say anything and the caller didn't give him the chance to because he only said two words before he then hung up which was,


The call got disconnected and again Sebastian shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

He knew he shouldn't be scared. Somehow, his strong feelings made him suppress his fears. The only thing that worried him was...

The door opened and Clarissa walked in wearing a black-long-sleeved crop top and designer skirt.

"Hey babe." She greeted, moving over and kissing him.

Sebastian smiled. "What's my princess doing here? He asked and Clarissa smiled as she sat on his lap comfortably.

"I missed you." She said almost in a whisper.

"Ahh, lady, are you trying to turn me on?" Sebastian grinned playfully.

"Well, it's not my fault that I'm irresistibly sexy," Clarissa replied in the same tone.

Sebastian leaned in and kissed her cheek.

"Are you busy today?" Clarissa asked.

"Yeah, it's my first day so I have a lot of work to do."

As if on cue, the door opened and Lucas walked in.

"Sir, everything is ready for the meeting," He said.

Sebastian looked at Clarissa who pouted. "Can't you stay?" She said lowly.

"Sorry mon cherri. I'll make it up to you later." He replied and Clarissa stood from his lap.

"Alright then. Call me when you're done okay?" She urged.

"Cross my heart." Sebastian winked at her before taking his phone.

They all walked out of the office and Clarissa waved at Sebastian as he entered the elevator.

She turned to leave but then her phone dinged. She brought it out to read the message and her lip curved up into a smile.

The message read: ' I need you. Meet me at the hotel.'

She kept her phone back in her bag and walked up to her car before driving away.