First Kiss!

A FEW DAYS LATER, Isabella had gotten discharged from the hospital and this was done under a lot of pressure from Isabella because she couldn't bear staying in the hospital for too long.

Though she had a busy schedule, Mrs Ferdinand had accompanied Isabella from the hospital and all the way home. She made sure there was food in the kitchen and kept her medications close enough for her to reach. She gave out strict instructions, saying she should call her whenever she felt the need to.

Isabella had nodded with smiles on her face, she was indeed grateful for Mrs Ferdinand.

She bade her goodbye and sat on the couch, looking around the apartment.

There was a tap on the door and she unlocked it knowing fully well it was Sebastian.

"Hey.." Sebastian said as she got in

Isabella paved way for him to pass, blushing profusely at the thought of being alone with him again.

What had transpired two nights ago was still fresh in her memory.