Inaya and Robin thought Hoina was dead, but he surprisingly appeared, alive and well. Overjoyed, they embraced him tearfully, relieved that their friend had cheated death. Hoina explained that he had been rescued by a group of travelers and had been in hiding, recovering from his injuries.

Robin revealed that he was Robert's son, and Hoina and Inaya were shocked and angry. But Robin shared his heartbreaking story of being beaten and mistreated by his stepmother, Linda. He spoke of how she had used black magic to manipulate his father, Robert, and turn him against his own people. Robin's eyes welled up with tears as he called out for his mother, Tiyana.

Hoina and Inaya's anger turned to sympathy, and they forgave Robin. He explained how he and Frahan (Rejji) had come to the village, seeking refuge from Robert's cruelty. Hoina mourned the loss of Frahan, who had died in the previous battle, and old man Fuila, who had been killed by Robert's soldiers.

Together, the trio hatched a plan to defeat Robert and reclaim Village Red. They spent long nights discussing strategies, gathering allies, and preparing for battle. Hoina shared stories of his time in hiding, and Robin spoke of his dreams for a better future. Inaya's love and support gave them strength, and they became an unbreakable team.

The final battle was intense, with swords clashing and arrows flying. Hoina, Robin, and Inaya fought bravely, but just as they were about to emerge victorious, Linda appeared, her eyes blazing with malice. She attacked Robin and Inaya, killing them both on their wedding day.

Hoina was left alone, grief-stricken, and consumed by anger. He vowed to avenge his friends' deaths and rid the world of Linda's evil. With a fierce cry, he charged at Linda, his sword flashing in the sunlight. The battle was fierce, but in the end, Hoina emerged victorious, Linda lying defeated at his feet.

As Hoina stood over Linda's lifeless body, he felt a mix of emotions: sadness, anger, and relief. He had lost his friends, but he had also found a new purpose. He would make sure that Robert's evil reign would never be forgotten and that the village of Red would always remember the sacrifices of Robin, Inaya, and Frahan.

Hoina spent the next few days in solitude, mourning the loss of his friends. He visited their graves, spoke to them, and promised to keep their memory alive. He then set out on a journey to spread the story of their bravery and sacrifice. He traveled to nearby villages, sharing their story and inspiring others to stand up against evil.

Years passed, and Hoina became a legend in his own right. He continued to fight for justice, always remembering the friends he had lost. The village of Red prospered, and the people never forgot the heroes who had given their lives for their freedom.

Hoina's journey took him to distant lands, where he met new people and faced new challenges. He battled against tyranny and oppression, always standing up for what was right. His name became synonymous with bravery and honor, and his story inspired generations to come.

The legacy of Robin, Inaya, and Frahan lived on, a reminder of the power of friendship and sacrifice. Their story was told and retold, inspiring others to stand up against evil and fight for what is right.

And so, Hoina's journey continued, a never-ending quest for justice and peace. His heart remained heavy with sorrow, but his spirit remained unbroken. He knew that he would always carry the memories of his friends with him, and that their bond would never be broken.

As like this the life which we live don't told the human that will there be always doesn't get their destiny. The tragic ending of the both without any happy moments much be the some reason they will get destiny to their next life.