Chapter 2 I Regretted It

"Shen Yi, I regret it," Ye Wanwan suddenly spoke, and then before Shen Yi could react, she painfully repeated, "Shen Yi, I regret it."

Tears brimmed from her eyes, and she struggled to suppress her emotions, but the words still came out with a sobbing tone.

On the other end of the phone, Shen Yi was taken aback, listening to the uncontrollable choking sound, the fingers holding his phone involuntarily tightened slightly.

Shen Yi's Adam's apple moved, several times he wanted to say something, but in the end, he could only sigh, his voice carrying a helpless exhaustion as he reassured her, "Wanwan, don't think nonsense."

"Once I finish the work here, I'll come back immediately, can you wait for me obediently at home?"

Ye Wanwan took a deep breath, as if she had released a long-held breath from the depths of her heart.

"Alright, the weather has been bad recently, you need to take good care of yourself."

"I'm tired, I want to sleep."

"Then sleep, good night," Shen Yi said.

"Good night." After speaking, Ye Wanwan took the initiative to hang up the phone, letting it fall beside the pillow, and then she closed her eyes.

Tears slid from the corner of her eyes, trickling down her cheek to the pillow, where they left a shallow puddle of moisture.


Thunder roared outside the window, and Shen Yi always felt a sense of unease, especially when he thought of Ye Wanwan—it made his heart beat wildly in his chest.

It was as if something big was about to happen.

Shen Yi silently stood for a while, then picked up his mobile phone and called the villa's landline; first he inquired about Ye Wanwan's condition and confirmed she was resting in the bedroom before he let out a slight sigh of relief.

Then he instructed the servants to take good care of Ye Wanwan, to which the servants readily agreed—the housestaff dared not disobey.

Still, after hanging up the phone, Shen Yi couldn't calm down; it felt like a voice in his heart was constantly telling him, hurry back, hurry back!

The thought was too intense for Shen Yi to ignore.

Eventually, Shen Yi got up and left his guest room, knocking on the door of the adjoining secretary's guest room.

Assistant Chen quickly opened the door and asked, "President Shen, what can I help you with?"

"Book me the earliest flight back to Beijing," Shen Yi said with a serious expression, his tone slightly urgent.

Assistant Chen had intended to mention there were client meetings early the next morning, but upon seeing Shen Yi's serious demeanor, he refrained from doing so and obediently went to book the ticket.

Shen Yi went back to his own room to pack.

But Assistant Chen quickly came back, holding his mobile phone with a troubled look, "President Shen, there's a heavy downpour in Beijing tonight, and all flights have been cancelled."

Upon hearing this, Shen Yi's brows furrowed deeply.

However, after only a few seconds of silence, Shen Yi spoke again, "The high-speed rail shouldn't have stopped running, book a train ticket instead."

Although Assistant Chen was puzzled and didn't understand why his boss was in such a rush to return, could it be that Madam had an accident? However, as a competent assistant, it wasn't his place to worry about these things; he just needed to follow the boss's orders.

About twenty minutes later, Assistant Chen drove Shen Yi to the high-speed train station.

The city they were in was not too far from Beijing; the high-speed train would only take three hours.

Before the high-speed train even entered Beijing, it had already started to pour outside, and the closer they got, the heavier the rain became, the raindrops lashing against the windows with a pitter-patter, as if about to shatter them.