Chapter 9 Pampering

Compared to most people's boyfriends or husbands, Shen Yi was already doing very well.

But she was too greedy, she wanted more, wanted Shen Yi to only have her in his heart and eyes.

Yet Shen Yi couldn't love her as she loved him, couldn't make her the entirety of his life.

And she, on the other hand, couldn't accept a Shen Yi who didn't love her enough, she needed Shen Yi to love her as much as she loved him, or even more.

When Shen Yi failed to meet her expectations, she would become irrational, hysterically panicking.

The more irrationally she argued and made a fuss with Shen Yi, the further apart they grew, and then completely fell into an unsolvable vicious cycle.

Tears welled up in Ye Wanwan's eyes uncontrollably, gushing forth without end.

Shen Yi knew she was frightened, but he had not imagined her emotions would be so volatile.

For some reason, seeing her cry so pitifully, Shen Yi felt an irresistible ache in the depths of his heart, almost without thinking, he reached out and pulled Ye Wanwan into his embrace.

He didn't know what to say to comfort her, he only gently patted her back, trying to soothe her emotions.

It was a while before Ye Wanwan's emotions gradually calmed down.

She seemed to have exhausted all her strength, leaning wearily in Shen Yi's arms.

"The butler said your arm was also injured, let me take a look." While speaking, Shen Yi reached out to hold Ye Wanwan's arm.

He pushed up her sleeve and then saw the scrapes and bruises on the inside of Ye Wanwan's right forearm, and involuntarily frowned.

"How did it get so bad?" His normally gentle tone now took on a heavier quality.

Shen Yi had already learned from the butler over the phone about the incident at the Xun Family's home, and knew Ye Wanwan had injured her arm when she fell into the swimming pool.

However, upon seeing the scrapes and bruises on her arm, Shen Yi still struggled to control his emotions, visibly angry.

Ye Wanwan kept her head down, not speaking, and Shen Yi then moderated his tone, "Let's have the doctor look at it later, get some medicine on it."

Ye Wanwan still said nothing, Shen Yi didn't show impatience, and continued, "Dinner is ready, come down and eat first."

At this, Ye Wanwan seemed to snap out of it, she shook her head slightly, her voice hoarse, "I don't want to eat."

Shen Yi paused for a moment and continued in a soft voice, "Have some soup then, you had a tiring day, drink the soup and rest early."

Ye Wanwan fell silent again, and Shen Yi, believing he understood her, took her silence as reluctant agreement.

Shen Yi stroked her head, then stood up and left the bedroom.

No sooner had he disappeared from the bedroom doorway than the previously dazed Ye Wanwan looked up in his direction.

Within minutes, Shen Yi returned to the bedroom, sitting on the bed with a small bowl in one hand and a spoon in the other, carefully blowing the soup to the right temperature before feeding it to Ye Wanwan.

Ye Wanwan didn't refuse, she simply drank the soup while watching Shen Yi.

After finishing the small bowl of soup, Shen Yi didn't insist on her eating anything else, he let her lie down on the bed and covered her with a blanket, "Sleep well."

Ye Wanwan closed her eyes, seemingly ready to rest, but in fact, she was not the slightest bit sleepy, still a bit dazed, unable to distinguish whether this was reality or a dream.