Chapter 11 How does it feel a bit strange

"It's nothing." Ye Wanwan swayed her head foolishly like a bobblehead.

"Be careful with your arm, try not to get it wet, and after a good breakfast, let the doctor come and apply medicine," Shen Yi said.

Ye Wanwan shook her head even more vigorously this time, "No, no, no, I can do it myself!"

Shen Yi looked at her with a probing gaze. Why was she acting so strangely today?

Ye Wanwan always loved beauty. In the past, even a minor bump would make her worry about scarring and claim she was going to be disfigured.

Then she would pester him by asking if he would still like her if she really did get disfigured.

The abrasion on the outside of her arm wasn't deep, but the raw, blood-streaked scrapes still looked somewhat fierce.

Perhaps realizing her reaction was off, Ye Wanwan quickly made an excuse, "It hurts so much when it's disinfected because it's scraped."

"If you don't apply medicine, there might be scarring," Shen Yi said earnestly.

Ye Wanwan fell silent. How had she never noticed before that Shen Yi could lie with such a straight face?

It was just a scrape, what kind of scar could it leave?

But Ye Wanwan didn't refuse anymore. She was afraid Shen Yi would notice something was amiss.

In truth, she wasn't afraid of pain. Although she appeared to be twenty-two years old, the soul within her body had already died once. She was no longer like the young girl who had been pampered by the Ye Family.

Her subconscious refusal to let the doctor apply medicine was simply because, in her previous life, when her emotional state grew more and more unstable and her physical health declined, there was always a doctor by her side, which is why she was subconsciously resistant.

After washing up, Ye Wanwan followed Shen Yi downstairs and sat down in the dining room for breakfast.

During breakfast, the butler came in and said, "Sir, madam, the Xun Family just called to say they'd like to come over and apologize."

Ye Wanwan had attended Xun Lehan's birthday party and fell into the swimming pool at the Xun Family's place. Regardless of whether it had anything to do with Xun Lehan, whether it was an accident or a deliberate act, it happened at the Xun Family's residence.

Consequently, the Xun Family couldn't just do nothing; otherwise, it would mean making enemies with both the Shen Family and the Ye Family.

Moreover, someone as clever as Shen Yi would undoubtedly be aware of the purpose behind Xun Lehan's specific invitation to Ye Wanwan.

"Don't see them," Shen Yi said, while serving Ye Wanwan her favorite crab roe bun, his voice firm in refusal.

"Understood," the butler replied, giving a slight bow before retreating.

Throughout this, Ye Wanwan had remained silent, just biting into a bun and chewing slowly, unwittingly falling into a daze again, even stopping her movement of eating.

"What's wrong?" Shen Yi, noticing Ye Wanwan's distracted air, asked with concern.

Shen Yi could perceive the changes in Ye Wanwan from yesterday. In his eyes, she was coddled by the Ye Family as she grew up, which also made her somewhat wilful.

Although she was not the type to bully others, she definitely wasn't someone who could suffer losses quietly.

Even the business marriage in the eyes of outsiders was based on Ye Wanwan liking him and with her own consent before the two families started negotiations.

Ye Wanwan couldn't swim, and falling into the pool was such a significant incident that, if it were the past, she would have certainly felt aggrieved and would have thrown a fit with him, or even with her in-laws, and taken the opportunity to have them agree to some small or big requests.

But the Ye Wanwan of this moment appeared worried, looking as if she had the weight of the world on her shoulders.

"Huh?" She seemed to hear something in her daze. Ye Wanwan turned her head, looking at Shen Yi with a somewhat bewildered expression.