Chapter 15: Is She Hiding from Herself?

Ye Wanwan blinked and asked with some restraint, "Have you eaten yet?"

Shen Yi shook his head, about to say he wouldn't eat, when he heard Ye Wanwan continue, "Then I'll ask the kitchen to prepare something for you. You can come down to eat after your bath."

Seeing that Ye Wanwan had already spoken, Shen Yi finally nodded before he went upstairs to take a bath.

Ye Wanwan sat in the living room, watching the maid arrange the roses she had picked, her thoughts drifting who knows where.

By the time the maid finished arranging a vase, Shen Yi had come downstairs after his bath.

Probably because he had been too busy the past few days, Shen Yi looked somewhat pale and seemed very tired at this moment.

As he walked toward Ye Wanwan, before she could speak, Shen Yi belatedly sensed that something was off.

In the past, the moment he got home, Ye Wanwan would've already thrown herself into his arms, cooing about how much she missed him, while tenderly inquiring about his well-being.

But today, when he returned home, Ye Wanwan hadn't appeared very happy, and now she still didn't seem too thrilled.

Yet it wasn't that Ye Wanwan didn't care about him; hadn't she asked the kitchen to prepare food for him?

But Shen Yi found this feeling quite strange, and he didn't know what to say about it.

They looked at each other for over ten seconds, and Ye Wanwan, feeling awkward, quickly said, "Dinner should be ready by now. You hurry up and eat something."

"Hmm," Shen Yi responded and then searched for something else to say, "Do you want to eat some more?"

Ye Wanwan shook her head repeatedly, "No, I'm almost too full tonight."

That statement was true. In her past life, she later fell ill; her health deteriorated, as did her appetite. Sometimes, she even had to rely on nutritional injections to carry on.

Thus, being given a second chance at life, and still in good health, having eaten such delicious food without feeling the slightest discomfort, she couldn't help but overindulge.


"Then I'm going upstairs first." After speaking, Ye Wanwan didn't give Shen Yi another chance to talk; she turned and ran upstairs.

Shen Yi's words stuck in his throat as he watched Ye Wanwan run away from him.

She was wearing slippers and a green long dress that fell just to her calves; right now, as she ran, she seemed somewhat frantic, almost as if she was fleeing in a panic.

Shen Yi couldn't help but furrow his brows. Fleeing in a panic?

Was she avoiding him?

What had happened, and why was she avoiding him?

Shen Yi was already tired, and now, puzzling over whether Ye Wanwan was avoiding him, he had even less of an appetite. He ate a few bites and then went back to the bedroom.

When Shen Yi returned to the bedroom, he didn't see Ye Wanwan there, but the sound of water trickling in the bathroom told him that she was taking a bath.

He rubbed his temples, feeling weary, and lay down on the bed.

Shen Yi was still thinking about why, after his business trip, his little wife had started avoiding him.

After much thought without any clarity, he decided to wait for her to finish her bath and then ask her directly.


After Ye Wanwan finished bathing, she busied herself in the bathroom with body lotion and blow-drying her hair. By the time she was done with the ordeal, an hour had passed.

When Ye Wanwan came out of the bathroom, she saw Shen Yi lying on the bed. Her steps abruptly paused, and a trace of panic surged in her heart.