Chapter 20 She Indirectly Caused the Death of Her Own Parents

Shen Yi looked at her and, for some reason, felt a pang of compassion, so he blurted out, "It's already very late today, and you're tired, too. Why don't you rest early, and we can talk more about it tomorrow?"

Ye Wanwan quickly lifted her head to look at Shen Yi, a hint of surprise in her eyes.

She understood Shen Yi, so she also knew that what he said meant there was room for negotiation regarding the matter.

Even that if she persisted a little longer, it could essentially be settled.

With this thought, Ye Wanwan couldn't help but smile, but having just had a big cry, when she suddenly smiled, a bubble of snot accidentally came out, and her originally excited smile instantly froze.

As for Shen Yi, seeing Ye Wanwan's somewhat foolish look, he couldn't help but curl his lips, also revealing a faint smile.

The next day.