Chapter 50 Mobilizing a Large Force

Shen Yi, originally filled with worry, now felt even more guilt. He lifted his hand, gently wiping away the tear at the corner of her eye with his fingertip.

"I'm sorry, I scared you." He shouldn't have brought that panic to Ye Wanwan, frightening her into such a state.

Perhaps he also shouldn't think too much. The physical check-up was fine; maybe this fainting incident was really just an accident.

"It's already very late. Go wash your face and then get some rest early," Shen Yi said.

Ye Wanwan felt certain she wouldn't be able to sleep, but looking at Shen Yi, she ultimately nodded her head.


The next day.

Ye Wanwan woke up naturally, stretched lazily with great satisfaction, and then slowly opened her eyes.

However, as she opened her eyes, the hands she had just raised stopped mid-air without dropping.

Several seconds passed before Ye Wanwan came back to her senses, seeming somewhat incredulous as she called out with a tinge of suspicion in her voice, "Mom?"