Chapter 72 All The Traces of Zhouzhou

Ye Wanwan was absent-minded throughout the day. She hadn't forgotten the dream from last night, nor Zhouzhou's look of despair.

As she lay dying in her past life, she thought that without her constant troublemaking, Shen Yi and Zhouzhou's lives would quickly return to normal.

She never expected that after so many years of hurting Zhouzhou, even in death, she would leave him feeling such guilt.

Though she was the one who made the mistakes, it was those around her who got hurt.

Ye Wanwan really, really wanted to tell Zhouzhou that she didn't blame him and she hadn't abandoned him!

But even in her dreams, she didn't have the chance to tell Zhouzhou.


Shen Yi still had social commitments today and had sent Ye Wanwan a message in advance.

After work, Ye Wanwan still went to the pet hospital. The little kitten was a tiny ball in her hand, not even as big as her palm, but it seemed much more spirited today.