Chapter 58 She's Naive and Loves to Play


"That's how it is," the director said with a glint of slyness in his eye. "But in order to give the artists more exposure time, we've decided to start an hour earlier."

Jiang Song: "..."

When she conveyed this message to Li Xingwan through a text, Li Xingwan almost spat blood, but fortunately, she did not overreact.

Because all she could think about was the fact that her husband, the original owner's spouse, had really returned, and he had even spent the day with her and Little Mobao.

In a while, after he'd soothed his son, he was going to come to her room.

At the thought, Li Xingwan's face flushed red as fire. Her thoughts also began to spiral out of control. Would he want to live a married life with her like other couples?