Chapter 85 He clearly still has a very strong possessive desire

She had no choice; in her previous life, she had been single since birth and remained so until her death. Other than work, she had never dated any man.

Now, Chengzhou was always teasing her, and she was finding it somewhat hard to cope.

"So you mean 'teased' as in 'entertained'?"


"Mobao." Li Xingwan could only try to divert her attention by talking to Little Mobao. "Are you tired now?"

She was still worried about the little guy's health. "When we get off the car soon, is it okay for Mommy to carry you while we walk around?"

Little Mobao's eyes kept widening further and further. If yesterday was a dream, then today he must still be dreaming.

And the dream was becoming more intense. Mommy was actually going to carry him while shopping?

"Aren't you afraid that everyone will know you have a five-year-old son?" Little Mobao couldn't help asking.