The same potion, Qu Tong also gave one each to Wen You and the Empress; the potion has a price, but affection is priceless.
The name Qu Tong almost became a legend for the new generation in the Canaan Empire.
The other two countries were particularly envious, but they could only overtly and covertly strengthen their cooperation with the Canaan Empire, not daring to harbor improper thoughts any longer.
What a joke, the Canaan Empire had always been the strongest nation.
Their country had the capability to deal with the Insect Clan, and now they have even managed to turn them. Furthermore, with the new invention of a Sky-roaming Prime Mecha which does not require spiritual power to operate, they have gained so much more military force—who would dare to provoke them?
The two top interstellar powers were both in the Canaan Empire; just the couple alone could wipe out half an enemy army, and there was also Gong Yun, whose Spirit Sea had been healed and was as strong as ever.