Aron pov

Aron - when I wake up this morning I feel strange I dont know why but my wolf also feel strange after I Reject my love my wolf also didnot talk to me but today I feel like my wolf try to talk to me but when I said somethink to him he didnot replied why why I feel this strange feeling maby beacuse of yesterday journy anyway now I have to rady for program today I dicided I wore white v nec teshirt and black blazer and also I style my hair I have to make good imprision

From of kids i cant help but through If I didnot Reject my anna five years ago maybe now we also have kids but now I dont think is posible affter what I did to her when I think about that night I scrold my self why just why I Reject my mate but now I promises to my self I promises my wolf I will find her just when I think about that I heard Braxton called me and I answer him iam coming when I go down stair I saw Braxton alrady made breakfast