♡ Back In HQ

Timing: 9:40 P.M…

"Everyone ready? We will reach the station from the east and Ayesha should be left out."

"And listen guys. From east 15 members will reach, from West 15 members and from straight way 10 members. Each member will be given weapons. So use them efficiently. Got it?"

"You changed the plan, Suji?"

"There's an efficient reason, Soha."

"Okay. All of you move! Be faster!"

"Gotcha, Leader Soha!!"

Regarding plan B, respondents were sliced up into three categories. A superior led each platoon and stipulated them with weapons. The former 15 members were guided by Suji, the subsequent 15 members were guided by Ha-rin, and the anterior 10 members were guided by Soha. The trek Soha was on was neither prime nor intuitive to select. In contrast with the other two subdivisions, it is more challenging to cross.

"Hold your weapons tight."

It seemed that they could hardly see any aspects since it was such a sinister atmosphere. They couldn't withstand the bitter weather. It was an influenza night, and they were all clad in two layers. Not many of them start motion sickness before they get to the station. Within Soha's group, two women make up the majority of the members. She gave the girls her winter thick overcoat out of apathy as she examined them.

"Thank you, Leader Soha. But what about you? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. You just wear it."

Unbelievably, Soha was only on one layer. As time passed, the climate was getting worse and colder. People usually get frozen on one layer and Soha didn't even feel goosebumps. As they passed half way, Soha saw a red light from a far way. She immediately understood that it was the traffic signal for the coming trains.

"Guys! Fast! It's gonna be 10 O' clock!"

As they dashed to the station, Soha was amazed to see that the time was exactly 10 O' clock and it's only Soha's group which reached the station. Soha was tense but stayed calm to not make the other members tense. "Where are you going, Leader Soha?" She didn't reply but before departing, "I will get the coffee for everyone. If the train comes - just get in."

"Ok… Leader Soha."

When she got a moment to herself, she began perusing the station. There were not any participants. Not even one in a thousand. Neither the employees of the station nor any members of her group. Nothing existed that she had not looked for already?

pulled out her phone and gave her boys a call. "Suji, will you please answer my call?" Hurried Soha turned around right away, as though suspicious footsteps had disturbed her.

"My beloved childhood friend."

"Huh?" She was in awe. Muhammad Imran suddenly appeared before her eyes, and for a split second, her heart missed a beat. "Imran?" Her eyes went wide, her throat went completely dry, and she became agitated, begging to be left alone and in peace.

Her words blended with her thoughts. Now she felt completely inadequate. It was beyond her comprehension how she was able to get caught by the cops with so ease, and her plans were devastated. With a triumphant smile on his face, Imran strutted with pride, his hand tucked into his pants pocket.

"You never thought I would show up this early, did you?"

He was only fanning the flames of Soha's inferno. She glared at Imran and balled her hand in frustration. Without warning, he grasped her chin and whispered in her ear.

You should not put your confidence in everyone, Rizaq Soha. Not one of your members, either.

She was left stunned because, although she had taught her members this lesson from the beginning, it had just now dawned on her that even her closest allies had abandoned her. She just looked at Imran as he approached Ayesha, and Soha realized how she got into this situation. However, even with plan B, they were apprehended by the police with ease. This indicates that she was involved with Ayesha through a companion. When it dawned on her very late, she grinned bitterly.

"What an idiot I am." To herself, she said. At a word from Imran, the cops raced to Soha. Her eyes were blinded, her wrists were bound behind her back, and earplugs were placed in her ears. Not quite total blackness, but darkness nonetheless, was all she could see. In some way, the hues were a combination of deep and dark. Where a few light rays had previously reflected, she could see the grey patches of light.

She sensed that she was being pulled firmly in one direction by two strong, muscular hands. Temporarily rendered both deaf and sight, she was nonetheless able to perceive the glitch sounds as they moved around her. Since they were not obvious to begin with, that is now bothersome.

"What plans do you have for them, Imran?" Ayesha asked.

"Simple stuff, obviously. I will put them in lockdown. excluding Soha." Imran replied calmly.

"A unique therapy for your childhood buddy."

"Similar, but not exactly the same, Ayesha."

Immediately his smile went dangerously silent. Before he could start his therapy, Ayesha could first feel uneasy. Two big guys guarded the vehicle in which all of the Hoo-doo men were put without their will. All of them were returned to Headquarters.

"Glad to see you all again at home." Among the males came a chuckle and a statement.

"Back in Headquarters…? Sigh…" Soha murmured.

Soha exited the vehicle without taking any precautions, even though the fabric covering her eyes prevented her from seeing. She removed those earplugs from her ears with a single shake. She lifted her head and grinned as a brief beam of light appeared through the little opening in the fabric. She quickly identified the individual after smelling a pungent smoke.

"Arem, smoking harms your health."

"What made you think it was me?"

"It is an experience rather than a hunch. No cop smokes as much as you do, though."

"Huh!?" Too stunned to respond, he just stared at her. With a sigh, he turned away. However, he abruptly stopped and turned after a little while. He stood squarely in front of Soha, silent as he sensed something inside of himself. "Hey! Arem! What the hell are you doing?!"

Upon being pulled into the Headquarters by Arem, Soha let out a scream. Arem's surprise conduct had left her completely bewildered. When Arem took off her blindfold, she created a perplexed, narrowed eye. Her vision gradually returned to normal, although initially she was unable to make any attempt to make sense of the surroundings. She realized, for the first time in her life, that Arem was far more attractive than Imran while they were smoking.

"What is the status of your friendship from childhood with Imran? Despite being his boyhood buddy, I never had the opportunity to meet or get to know you."

Soha met Arem's gaze with her own upon hearing the question. Simultaneously silent and perplexed. She glanced at the glass wall, realizing that Imran was watching her from behind it. Her fellow inmates received a monitor and microphone as well, and they were waiting for Soha's answer in the end. For a little period, she remained silent. Was there truly a pause there?

"Eh?" Imran was watching Soha closely when he noticed that she was genuinely asleep. "Arem, she slept off. Arouse her consciousness." In the microphone, Imran gave an order.

"Hey, Soha! How on earth are you going to get any sleep at all?"

"Eh? Yes, indeed! Sorry, Arem."

She laughed shyly and started rubbing her hair. Arem asked the same question again in frustration, attempting to be patient. "Ah! Childhood friends… Me and Imran… ha…"

"In my first year, I got to know Imran."