I'm so tensed that by the time the large doors are pulled open and the expensive leather shoes obviously belonging to Alessandro steps into the room, my breath had seized all together. 

My eyes lock on Alessandro's silhouette, my heartbeat increasing as his steps bring him closer to me. 

His eyes rove over me, leaving fire in its wake on every inch of skin he casts his glance on. His piercing brown eyes catch my gaze and I take an infinitesimal step backwards. 

I wince in despair as the chains make a loud screeching sound as it drags across the ground with each step I manage to take away from him. 

Alessandro comes to a stop a few feet away from me. He is totally quiet as he unbuttons the sleeves of his white button down shirt, slowly folding them up. 

If his intention was to get me agitated at his silence, then his plans were working. I could feel my hair stand on end, trying all I could to read his face but it was like a first timer trying to arrange a rubik's cube. 

"I told Aldo everything I know!" I say in a desperate tone, not caring one bit that I had broken the vow I made to myself. The vow to not break down in front of these heathens, my life is a major priority at this point. 

"It's not enough." Alessandro says in a harsh tone that would have been pitiful in a different situation. 

"What do you want from me?! I told you the truth like you demanded and now— now— " I fall silent as my eyes widen in confusion and an expression of uncertainty settles across my face. 

He had not said one word since he stepped into the room. He hasn't told me what he plans to do with me. And that alone is scarier than being told I was going to die. 

"What do you plan on doing with me?" I ask with false bravado as I stand still, refusing to move back in fear when Alessandro steps closer to me, he smirks and arches a brow. 

"Extracting the truth like I promised." Alessandro says in a quiet tone as he lifts his hand, bringing it closer to my face. 

I can't help but flinch back in fear as he takes hold of an errant strand of hair, placing it gently behind my ears "Even the devil knows not to take what is mine" Alessandro mutters.

"You are going to learn nothing new because I've told you everything I know!" I say in a hard but low tone as my breathing speeds up at my personal space being invaded by Alessandro. 

"So you've said." Alessandro says in an impassive tone as he stares into my eyes, looking for what I don't know. 

His eyes harden and his lips twist in anger as he grips my arms harshly. 

"Ow! You are hurting me!" I say in pain as he stalks towards the door, pulling me along with him. 

He says nothing in response, only turning to look at me when it becomes physically impossible for me to move due to the chain connected to my ankles. 

He makes an unintelligible sound as he bends down so fast that I barely have the time to react. 

I gasp in shock as he grasps my ankle in his cold hands. He pulls out a key from his pocket and unlocks the chain, freeing me for the first time since I regained consciousness in this hell. The chain had left a scar on my pale skin. 

"Let me go! You are hurting me!" I say in despair as I struggle against his grip when he continues dragging me. 

He comes to an abrupt stop in the middle of the room and I seriously start to fear for my life. 

He turns towards me, his hands flying to my shoulders, holding them tightly in his grip. "Kneel." He says in a monochromic tone that gives me whiplash. 

When I hesitate to do as he says, he applies steady pressure on my shoulder until my knees bend of their own accord. 

Tears fill my eyes and I start to shake in fear at the thought of what he might do to me. He circles around me, coming to a stop at my back. 

It takes a lot of effort not to turn towards him when I hear the rustling of some items in his pocket. 

Just when I'm about to faint from dreaded anticipation, his hands reappear in front of me and I spot a satin cloth in them. I don't need anyone to tell me what he plans on doing with them. 

"Let me go, you fucker!" I say in righteous anger as I struggle to get up, only to be pushed down once more by Alessandro. 

I fling my arms wildly, hoping to hit him at a vital body part but I have no such luck. I twist my body around, trying to dislodge the grip he has on my shoulders only to be pushed flat on the ground with Alessandro straddling me. 

I go still, awfully aware of Alessandro's bulk hovering over me. He seamlessly grabs my wrist in his hands, tying them together before I can react. 

I start sobbing desperately when he blindfolds me and lifts me up. He attaches one end of the rope binding my wrist to what seems like a rod connected to the high ceilings of the room. 

My legs barely touch the ground and when I try to pull on the rope, a fiery pain goes through my wrist. 

My senses become hyper aware and my ears strain to hear Alessandro's heavy footsteps. 

I hear the sound of the large door opening and more men step into the room if I can garner anything from the loud footsteps. 

Suddenly everywhere goes silent as the men leave the room. I struggle desperately, my foot kicking out to find stable footing. My movements come to an abrupt end when I feel Alessandro's breath against my ear. 

"Who are you working with?" Alessandro asks in a cold tone, his voice sounding extremely close to my ear. 

"I don't know what you are talking about!" I say in a desperate tone as I try but fail to move away from him in terror. 

"How do you explain the large sum of money that was traced to an offshore account in your name?" Alessandro asks in a growly tone that betrayed his anger. 

"I don't have any offshore account! Can't you see that someone is trying to frame me?! What reason would I have to hurt your wife?" I ask in a seething tone, desperately trying to get him to see reason. 

"The money. Your father is sick and you needed the money for his treatment." Alessandro responds in a harsh tone as he grips my hair tight in his hands. 

I'm shocked into silence and my mouth opens and closes as I rack my brain for a suitable rebuttal to his claim. 

Before I can utter anything in response, I feel the first rushing of water on my face. I try to twist away but I am unable to, due to the bindings on my wrist. 

When I try to beg for reprieve, water enters into my mouth with such force that I'm forced to close it. 

I try to withstand the pressure, holding my breath until I'm physically unable to. My lungs eventually give in and I inhale large amounts of water. 

I feel my consciousness slowly slip away as my lungs are filled with water instead of air. Just before I pass out, the water stops and the blindfold is taken off my eyes. 

I sputter and cough in agony, hoping for all this misery to come to an end. After what seems to be hours of regaining my breath, my attention finally focuses on Alessandro and horror dawns on me. 

He is nowhere done with me! "Please. Please, I'm begging you, I had nothing to do with your wife's death!" I plead desperately in a tone filled with despair. 

"The human lungs can withstand not more than a cup of water. Do you want to test if yours are the exception?" Alessandro asks in a mocking tone as he glares at me. 

"I'm begging you! I will do anything! Just let me go!" I beg desperately, ready to do anything that will keep the awful feeling of drowning away from me. 

"Give me the truth and I will let you go." Alessandro says in a cynical tone that raises the hair on my skin and sends me spiralling down the rabbit hole of despair. 

"I've told you everything! I feel sorry for your wife. You deserve it! You deserve everything that is happening to you." I say in a seething tone with a crazed expression on my face. 

"Very well." Alessandro says through gritted teeth as he squeezes his fists, looking like he is physically restraining himself from choking the life out of me. 

He grabs hold of the pump once more and I slump in resignation. There is no escaping this. I'm going to die at the hands of this devil.