CHAPTER FOURTEEN: The Santino Family's Tradition.



The hairdresser tugs on my curls, pinning it beneath the lace veil. My fingers are squeezed tightly together on my lap. My face is pale and I feel a little bit nauseous. 

"Which jewelry would you prefer, Miss Aurelia?" One of the stylists asks me in a polite tone. 

"Anyone." I respond in an unenthusiastic tone. 

"Tch. Are you really this spineless?" Sara calls out as she hangs on to the door frame. All the stylists and other random people desert the room, leaving me alone with her. 

"What do you want?" I ask in an unamused tone. This is practically the first time I'm talking to her since the last time we visited where she didn't acknowledge my presence. 

"Is that how you talk to your new mother in law?" Sara asks in a sarcastic tone with a sneer on her lips. 

"You said you are never going to accept me as your daughter in law, so what's the point? I couldn't care less." I respond in a flat tone. 

"It's the tradition of the Santino family for the females to give the new wife a little pep talk about our ways. It's a rite of passage." Sara responds with narrowed eyes and an annoyed expression on her face. 

I don't say anything in response as I wait for her to continue. I don't even want to be a part of this family, so why would I want to concern myself with their traditions? 

"Marrying the Don of the Italian mafia is a very big deal. Most ladies could only dream of having such an opportunity." Sara starts as she steps closer to me. 

I barely restrain my scoff while rolling my eyes at her. 

"You must conduct yourself with the utmost respect. Understand that you are now an extension of your husband and all your actions will be in the spotlight." Sara continues. 

"Nothing Alessandro hasn't told me already." I respond in a flat tone, wishing to get this over and done with.

"You are beneath him, Aurelia. You are one of his subjects. You can't question his actions, you cannot express displeasure over his decisions, you can only cry in silence." Sara says with a superior tone of finality that grates on my nerves. 

Sara searches my face, probably thinking that she had burst my romantic bubble or something. It's a good thing I have none. 

"The same way you cry over your cheating husband?" I ask with a smirk on my lips, remembering the words her daughter Elena had uttered yesterday. 

"You don't know what you are talking about!" Sara says in an alarmed tone as the smug washes off her face. 

"Then make me understand." I respond in a mocking tone. 

"Hapoy married life. You look beautiful." Sara says, her demeanour immediately changing. 

My eyes fly to the mirror, expecting to see a huge blotch on my makeup, because there js no way the woman who hated me was giving me a genuine compliment. 

"It's badluck to for the groom to see the bride before their vows." Sara says in a loving tone, drawing my attention to Alessandro. 

It turns out the only reason why she complimented me was because Alessandro was at the door. 

"My charisma and charm is enough to dispel any badluck." Alessandro responds in a joking tone that stills my heart. 

I stare at him, admiring his pants and button down shirt. It looked like it was specifically created with him in mind. 

I avert my eyes immediately he catches me staring at him. I feel him move closer until he's standing directly behind me. 

He holds out a black phone to me and I take it. I'm quiet as I dial in my father's number. 

"Papa?" I say quietly when he picks up the call. 

"Aurelia?! Thank god you are alive!" My father responds in an extremely relieved tone. 

"You know?" I ask in a shaky tone. 

"Of course I do. I know that heathen took you. I knew you wpuld never leave me." My father responds with the words I've always wanted to hear. But this time, they make me feel empty. 

"I will get you out, I promise." He continues. I smile sadly at his statement. No one can help me. 

"I hope you are taking your drugs. Please don't worry about me too much, I will be fine." I respond in a perfunctory tone. 

Before he can respond, I end the call. Tears drip from my eyes as the severity of my situation hits me. 

"The second call." Alessandro reminds me. 

I dial in Olivia's number, my heart skipping a beat when she picks up the call. 

"Hello?" Olivia's voice sounds through the phone. 

"Olivia, it's Aurelia." I say with a smile on my lips. 

"Aurelia?!" She repeats in shock after a moment of silence. 

"Yes, it's me." I respond as tears roll down my cheeks. 

"I thought you were dead." Olivia says in a shaky tone. "What did that devil do to you? Why did he take you?" 

"I can't tell you that right now, but I hope one day I would be able to." I respond in a sad tone. 

"I'm so glad you are okay." Olivia says after a few seconds. "But you can't call me again." She continues in a firm tone. 

"What— what are you saying?" I ask in a confused tone, not sure what I'm hearing. 

"I don't want to be caught up in the middle of whatever you have going on with the mafia. I have to keep my family safe, you know." Olivia responds with words that break my heart further. 

"I love you, Olivia, I will never put you or your family in harms way." I respond with tears in my eyes. 

"I love you too, Aurelia. But this is the end of the road for us. My safety comes first." Olivia responds. 

"Good bye, Aurelia." Olivia says before ending the call not giving me a chance to say anything more. 

My hands remain wrapped around the phone in disbelief. I can't really blame her though. This is all Alessandro's fault. 

"It would have been easier to kill her now, wouldn't it?" Alessandro asks with a smirk. 

"No. I'm not a heartless monster like you. I still love her even though she wants nothing to do with me." I respond in a strained and bitter tone as I try to hold back my tears. 

"I could have her punished for hurting you." Alessandro responds in a solemn tone. 

"Why would you do that?" I ask in a genuinely curious tone. 

"Because you are Mrs Santino. No one will hurt you and go free. Not even your family." Alessandro says in a tone that leaves chills down my arms.