"And why should I believe you?" I ask with narrowed eyes as I try to ignore his piercing gaze.

"My guess is that the intention of the person who locked you was to keep you locked for the remainder of the night. So if I'm the one, why would I give in and open the door now?" The man says, offering me a perfect explanation. I hate to admit it, but he's right.

"I'm Alessio Santino. What's your name?" Alessio asks in a smooth tone. Beauty indeed flows in the veins of these Santino men.

"I'm Aurelia." I respond as I straighten out my dress.

"The only Aurelia around here is my cousin's new wife. And by God, you are beautiful." Alessio says, his erotic gaze rolling over me.

"Thank you." I respond with a slight blush on my cheeks. I take note of the fact that Alessio is Alessandro's cousin.

"Who the hell was he dancing with then, if you were locked up the time the dance took place?" Alessio asks in a genuinely curious tone.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask in an inquisitive tone.

"Alessandro danced with someone who he claimed to be his wife at the ball and no one suspected anything because of the masks we are all made to wear." Alessio explains.

"My bet is on that evil witch, Mia." I say in response.

"You know what? Let's get them jealous. I will take you to the ball as my partner." Alessio says, pretty pleased with himself at his idea.

"I don't know if that's a good idea. Alessandro might hurt you." I say in a concerned tone.

"He won't do a thing. I'm family." Alessio says with a self assured smirk.

"Fine. Let's go." I say as I accept Alessio's arm, allowing him to lead me out the room.

At the entrance to the ballroom, I select a mask which goes extremely well with my dress.

"Let's dance." Alessio says as he pulls me to the middle of the room with a hand on my waist.

Everyone in the room is looking at me some with envious glances and others with curious glances. Alessandro looks like he is seconds away from shooting me in the head while Mia looks like she has seen a ghost.

Alessio glides across the dance floor with practised moves that I can't help but appreciate.

Alessandro interrupts us mid dancing with a heavy frown on his face. "Can I have my wife back, Alessio."

"You could have fooled me. If this is your wife, why did you perform the starting dance with the lady dressed in blue?" Alessio asks in a completely innocent tone.

"You do not understand my circumstances, Alessio. Now step away." Alessandro orders harshly.

"Are you trying to say you performed the first dance of the La Festa Delle Maschere with a lady whom you aren't married to? The scandal!" Alessio says with a wide eyed expression as though he himself cannot believe it.

Alessandro is left speechless as Alessio leads me away.

"Where did you learn to act like that?" I ask in a gleeful tone.

"I used to be a big actor in my former life." Alessio says with a cheeky smile adorning his lips.

"And he has a sense of humour. Kill me right now." I say with an exaggerated sigh.

"That could be arranged." Alessio says and we both laugh together.

It feels good to find someone this genuine in these parts

"It's nice dancing with you, but I need to get some fresh air." I say to Alessio with a soft smile on my lips.

"Fine. When you get back inside, find me." Alessio orders in a soft tone before stepping away from me.

I ignore the glares from the other ladies, breathing easier the moment I'm outside the room.

"You look so beautiful!" A voice calls out from the shadows causing me to shriek in surprise.

"Who is there?" I ask in a nervous tone.

"The man you truly belong to." The voice responds in a scary tone.

"What are you talking about?" I ask in a confused tone, certain that he is just playing games on me.

"You are mine, and I'm taking you with me tonight." The man says in an eerily serene tone that leaves me scared.



"Things are not the way we thought they were Alessandro." Aldo says, pulling me out of my angry haze.

"What are you talking about?" I ask in an irritated tone, not in the mood for his riddles.

"Aurelia. She has a solid alibi for the night Giulia went missing." Aldo says, shocking me.

"How can that be? Then what about the account with the money?" I ask with a frown on my face.

"I don't know about that. But the night Giulia went missing, aurelia was at home with her siblings. They made a lot of videos together." Aldo says in response.

"She might not be completely innocent, but she's not as involved as we thought she was." Aldo says in a tone of finality.

"We will discuss this further later." My eyes fly across the room looking for Aurelia, but I don't find her anywhere.

"Where the hell is she?" I ask Alessio, as my hands tighten into a fist.

"Are you talking about my date?" Alessio asks in a taunting tone and with a smirk on his lips.

My hands move of their own accord and soon I find myself punching Alessio square in the face. Alessio falls to the ground laughing, while the crowd around us gasps in shock and surprise, but I couldn't care less.

Just then, a figure catches my attention from outside the balcony, and I meet Aurelia's terrified gaze. However, when she tries to come to me, a man shoots out from the shadows, grabbing her arms and holding her down.

"What the fuck?" I shout in an angry tone as I rush towards them only for my feet to come to a stop at the sight of a knife in the man's hands.

"If you come any closer, I will slit her throat and kill myself so we can be together in the afterlife." The man says in a threatening tone as I see the seriousness of his statement in his eyes.

At this point, I have to make a choice. My wife or my people. Because this man could pose a serious threat to their safety especially if a shooting ensues.

The man digs the knife deeper in her skin causing blood to flow from the light cut when I try to take a step forward. This man is damn serious.