CHAPTER FORTY-THREE: Strange Screams and Empty Rooms.


A discontented sigh escapes my lips as my eyes rove over the four walls of my room. I'm so bored that I'm fairly certain I've counted and recounted the number of black dots on the wall.

At this point, if I have to spend another hour in this room, I just might kill myself.

The meeting of the Capos took place a few days ago, and since then, Alessandro has been avoiding me with a vengeance.

'So much for the Capos demanding an heir.' I think cynically, a snort escaping my lips.

Sara was wrong once again. But the book she gave me isn't as useless as her advice though.

I've gone through it from cover to cover and I've almost crammed all the recipes in my head. I've always had an interest in cooking, but I've never had the time.