Making a choice [part 3]

As the night progressed, the council members retired to their rooms, each with the weight of the decision still fresh in their minds.

Their chambers were silent, but in the hearts of those who had attended the meeting, a new fire had begun to burn.

They thought of the possibility of a bright future, one rich in opportunities.

The prospect of having such an extraordinary being as Schadet Oporitorco, with his nine divine affinities, opened up previously unimaginable scenarios.

Each of them, in the secrecy of their own chambers, indulged in dreams of greatness.

They thought of the alliances they could form, the conflicts they could resolve, and the discoveries they could make, guided by such a rare and powerful talent.

To these were added more selfish dreams and desires, which saw in Schadet a way to continue advancing and reaching higher realms and levels.

The mere idea of these possibilities quickened their hearts, as if each beat were a step towards a glorious tomorrow.

The possibilities of the future that unfolded before their eyes were as vast as the stars in the night sky.

Because of all these thoughts and possibilities they saw before them, the minds of the councilors began to work feverishly.

And to weave plans and strategies to ensure that Schadet could reach his full potential without running any significant danger.

They committed to creating an environment where the young could flourish, a place where his safety was guaranteed and his privacy preserved.

They would use their influence and power to quell hallway whispers and speculation, keeping the secret of Schadet's affinities as the most precious of treasures.

With the determination of those who know they are in the presence of an epochal change, the council members stayed awake, consumed by the fervor of a future in which Schadet would be the key to an era of prosperity.

The opportunities that lay ahead were immense, and the beating of their hearts was the drum that heralded the dawn of a new day.

The night was consumed in animated discussions and ambitious plans.

None of them could think of sleep when the fate of Schadet and their lives hung in the balance.

Every council member knew that the decisions made in those hours could shape the future of entire generations.

As dawn began to tint the sky pink and gold, the councilors were still gathered, their long, weary shadows cast on the walls of the council chamber.

But in their eyes shone the light of enthusiasm, hope, and desire, ready to welcome the new day and the challenges it would bring.

The presence of Schadet, a child destined to become a prominent figure in the sector, had already begun to shake the foundations of power.

The councilors knew that every move they made would be observed and judged, not only by rival families but also by allies and supporters.

They had to act with caution, balancing the need to protect Schadet with the desire to maintain a facade of normality.


The throne room was enveloped in solemn silence, broken only by the measured step of Ryushin Chi.

Patriarch Ryushin moved with a calm that contrasted with the tumult of thoughts that crossed his mind.

He stopped in front of the large window overlooking the gardens, his gaze lost in contemplation of the moon reflected in the tranquil waters of the lake.

It was at that moment that Kage no Ryōken, the faithful advisor who had attended to all the events unfolding in hiding, approached with respectful steps.

"My lord," he began in a subdued voice, "if I may dare, why did you choose to reveal to the councilors the truth about Schadet's affinities? Do you not fear that this knowledge could lead to unpredictable consequences?"

Ryushin Chi slowly turned towards his servant, his eyes sparkling with intense light.

"Kage," he replied with a voice that carried the weight of several origin cycles.

"The decision to share the truth about my son's affinities was not taken lightly."

"So, why did you do it, my Lord? Do you not fear that some may be moved by envy and ambition?" asked curious Kage.

Ryushin Chi turned to Kage, his penetrating gaze reflecting the complexity of the power game he had orchestrated, and replied:

"See, Kage, this is information that they would have acquired anyway, so I decided to reveal it myself."

"I understand, my Lord, but wasn't it better for them to find out as late as possible?"

"No. This is because by revealing Schadet's affinities, I have created a collective truth that binds each councilor to this secret. Now, they share not only the knowledge but also the responsibility for his safety. This unites them in a common goal, strengthening their loyalty and commitment to our cause."

Kage bowed his head in understanding.

"A cunning move, my lord. In this way, Schadet's safety becomes a priority for everyone, and every council member will contribute to creating a safe environment for him."

"Exactly," confirmed Ryushin Chi.

"And if threats should emerge, they will be the first to have to respond and neutralize them. In this way, Schadet will be surrounded by a wall of protection formed by the dedication of those who now share the weight of his destiny."

"This is the power of collective awareness," exclaimed Ryushin Chi, then continued:

"It creates a balance of power. Where every council member now feels part of this secret, and this binds them to us with a shared responsibility. Knowing that they are under my gaze, they will limit their actions, allowing us to guide Schadet towards his destiny without external interference."

Kage nodded, understanding the strategic depth of his lord.

"Your wisdom is unparalleled, my lord. Schadet and this family are fortunate to have such a far-sighted father and patriarch."

Ryushin Chi offered a rare smile.

"Now, let us prepare. The day awaits us, and with it, our commitment to the future."

As they walked away, the first glow of dawn began to sweep away the shadows of the night, a symbol of a new beginning and the hope it brought with it.