Deception and Manipulation [part 4]

The nanny was surprised, watching from a distance as the man gave up part of his winnings without further protest.

Despite her initial skepticism, she had to admit that there was something fascinating about my ability to manipulate situations to my advantage, and the way I could make people doubt their own actions was both impressive and unsettling.

As I walked away with the jingling coins in my pockets, my smile widened.

I felt a growing sense of excitement, power, and satisfaction within me, as if I was beginning to enjoy swindling and had discovered a new side of myself that I didn't know at all until a few moments ago.

The feeling of having control over others' perceptions gave me a new and engaging adrenaline rush.

So, overwhelmed by that feeling, I decided to test my skills once again.

I approached another group of winners, this time choosing a young couple who seemed to be new to betting.

Their inexperience made them ideal targets for my next manipulation.

And, after the usual congratulations for their win, I began to enact my manipulation:

"It was incredible to see Yaiba no Maihime win," I said enthusiastically, trying to immediately establish a friendly connection.

"But I clearly remember that you bet on Arashi no Taka, there must have been a mistake with the tickets."

Hearing that, the couple exchanged an uncertain look.

"No, we bet on Yaiba no Maihime," said the boy, while it was possible to notice that the tone of his voice had a shadow of doubt.

His uncertainty was my golden opportunity.

"I understand," I continued with a reassuring smile, lowering my voice slightly as if sharing a secret.

"But despite that, I was right behind you when you made the bet and I doubt I heard wrong. So I think it's worth checking, just to be sure," I concluded, raising my voice slightly so that even the people around us could hear.

The girl looked at her boyfriend, then at the bag of coins in her hands.

"Maybe we should," she said hesitantly.

The pressure of the surrounding group that began to pay attention, along with my confidence, did the rest.

Once again, I led them to the betting counter, insinuating doubts and uncertainties until, in the end, they agreed to share part of their winnings to avoid further problems and complications.

"So easy," I thought, savoring the taste of success.

The nanny, who had been watching me from a distance all this time, was now incredulous.

Every scam I managed to pull off increased her surprise and made it clear that the first scam had not been successful due to a stroke of luck.

So, at the same time, her admiration for my ability to swindle others also began to grow.

Because of the ease with which I was able to swindle, I decided not to stop there but to continue, also because I wanted to continue to have that feeling of adrenaline that came from successfully swindling someone.

Moreover, every new deception was an opportunity to further refine my skills.

So, I continued to have fun, approaching various groups of winners, repeating the same tactic with small adjustments to adapt to different personalities and situations.

And every time, the combination of confidence and psychological manipulation worked perfectly, allowing me to accumulate more and more coins.

I approached an elderly man who seemed particularly pleased with his win.

"Sir, congratulations on the victory," I said with a warm smile.

"But I must say that I was behind you when you made the bet, and I'm almost certain you bet on Arashi no Taka. Perhaps there's been a misunderstanding?"

The old man looked at me with a puzzled expression, trying to remember the details of his bet.

My confidence and the pressure of the curious onlookers around us did the rest.

And in this, after a brief exchange, he too gave up part of his coins, preferring to avoid further doubts and possible complications.

As I continued with my scams, I realized how easy it was to play with people's perceptions.

Every time someone gave up part of their winnings, I felt a growing sense of power and control within me.

My mind worked incessantly, looking for new ways to make my manipulations even more effective and secure.

By the end of the evening, my pockets were full and my smile couldn't be wider.

I even became hesitant to return to the nanny, because I wanted to continue with this new passion.

The thought of swindling again and feeling the adrenaline of control was enticing, but considering that the next day I would have to run incessantly again, and the fact that there were fewer and fewer people, which made it easier to be discovered, I decided to stop.

So, I returned to the nanny, who looked at me with a combination of astonishment and concern.

"I can't believe what I've seen," she said slowly. "I don't know whether to be proud or worried about you."

"It's an art, nanny," I replied with a sly smile. "And I'm just getting started."

She shook her head, but couldn't help but smile. "I just hope you know when to stop."

"As long as there's a chance of winning, there's no reason to stop," I replied determinedly.

"I intend to take advantage of every opportunity that presents itself."

As we walked away from the arena, the coins in my pockets were a testament to my success.

I was determined to continue to refine my techniques, ready to seize every future opportunity.

And, as we headed to our room inside the Ryushin resort, the nanny never stopped watching my every move closely.

Her eyes were a mixture of curiosity and apprehension, aware that I was walking a fine line between skill and illusion.

"It's not bad that he's already started to develop an interest in the art of manipulation and persuasion," thought the nanny.

"These skills, if used wisely, can open many doors. Life is full of situations where the ability to read people, influence them, and control the perception of events can make the difference between success and failure, between gaining an ally or an enemy."

"And, combined with his affinities and talent, it may not be so impossible for him to become the next patriarch."

Meanwhile, I, unaware of the nanny's thoughts, began to look for a more elaborate plan for next time, one that could exploit both technology and psychology in tandem.

And so my day ended, with me, now sleepy in bed, looking for new strategies and plans to swindle.