Chapter 19: Dangerous! The Final Destination!

As the Battle of Speed and Battle of Power continue, in the grassfields, Cameron, Forrest, and Team Destruction stand outside, giving Forrest aid. Forrest, barely able to speak, opens his mouth. "W-we should leave Diamond City for now…" Samantha scoffs. "What about Kevin and Gerald!? We haven't found them ye-" Michael stops Samantha's speech. "He's talking about starting the escape early. They'll be able to catch up with us easily then as we already progressed through the escape process. "I mean," Cameron said, lighting his cigarette. "We are pretty strong all together, but I doubt we would be able to take down all of the entities waiting for us on the outskirts… Samantha comes up with a plan. "How about we just defeat a few entities, then run as far as possible?" she suggests as the sun shines on her face. Forrest looks at her. "Right. Let's go. Our final destination is either Scallia or Crystal City." 

Meanwhile, back with Sayeo and Gerald, the battle was transferred up to Alamein Tower, where Ender's office sat. "Looks like I have to use the move…" Sayeo said, speeding all around the office. As he sped around, papers fell, glass broke, and Gerald was amazed! Even the naked eye couldn't see the speed he was going at, but Gerald saw it, barely keeping up. Suddenly, Sayeo swooped down on Gerald, attempting to punch him with a barrage of fire. As Gerald pinpointed the attack, he punched back, merging the two hands together. As the clash began, the windows of glass in Alamein Tower exploded. Suddenly, Gerald put his hand down, dodging the attack by a hair. Suddenly, he countered Sayeo's attack, sending him out of the Alamein Tower. As the dust settled, Sayeo looked at his current location. "Damn! He knocked me out of Alamein!" he said. As he ran back up at full speed, Gerald took the time to recover slowly. "Damn it… If I win this, it's gonna be an insanely close battle…" Meanwhile back with Kevin and Ender, the battle was perfectly tied, both sides exchanging powerful attacks. As Ender sprung at Kevin, the boy used the sword to repel his attacks. Suddenly, Ender looks at Kevin. "I've underestimated you, boy…" he said, scoffing. "Looks like I have to use another entity transformation…" As a result, Ender pulled up his hair, revealing the same symbol that Damon had on his head. "Let's try the Entity of Fire…" Ender thought to himself. As the transformation was finally completed, Kevin looked at his opponent in horror. "Can I really manage to beat this guy!?"

Suddenly, Ender divided his body, making five man made entities. Now, it was 5v1. Who would win? Kevin or Ender? As the battle continued, Kevin looked at his opponent. "Seems like we're getting stronger, eh?" he said. As he gazed at Ender, he put his hand (which contained the Lightning Sword) up. Suddenly, multiple shocks of lightning AND fire absorbed in the sword. "Well, let's continue this, shall we?" Kevin said, laughing. Suddenly, one of the five entities Ender had cloned into sped at Kevin. "Shit!" he said, clashing with the entity. "If I take down the real one first, all five entities will disappear. But if I don't, it'll take longer…" Suddenly, the electricity being produced throughout the city caused an explosion. Suddenly, one of the multiple entities dashed through the walls of the buildings. Back at the battlefield, Kevin looked at his enemy. "4 down, 1 to go." Back at Alamein Tower, Sayeo finally returned to the battlefield. "You punched me pretty far," he said. Gerald, still recovering from before, looked at Sayeo once more. Suddenly, Sayeo dashed behind Gerald. "Never let your guard down in front of your enemies." Gerald froze in shock, getting knocked down back into the city below due to the surprise attack. As he hit the ground, he landed on his feet, dashing back up. Sayeo scoffed. "You can't win." Suddenly, Gerald sped back up to the tower, igniting fire from his legs. As he sped back up, he enlarged the fire by using his speed to produce wind. By the time he got back up, it was as big as Alamein Tower. Sayeo looked at the massive fireball. "He's about to strike ALAMEIN TOWER!" he exclaimed, attempting to evacuate.

But it was already too late - Alamein Tower was already in the center of the blaze. As the explosion in the center of the city occured, Sayeo's screams were only audible only to himself. "NOT ALAMEIN TOWERRRRRRRRRRR!" Sayeo said, producing tears from his eyes. When the fire died down, he glanced at Alamein Tower, which was now in shambles. Sayeo looked at the fallen tower. "It's gone…" he said, falling on the burnt debris.  Suddenly, he glares at Gerald, who was observing the damage. "You! You caused this…" As Gerald looked back at Sayeo, he noticed something weird about his appearance. His light brown hair was levitating. As Sayeo put his hand on the symbol that laid on his head (which was slightly different from the others,) he morphed into the entity that Team ENTITY had battled back at ENTITY.

It was a rebirthed version of LLMOA.

As Gerald looked at the old opponent, he scoffed. "How the hell did you get LLMOA's body!?" he exclaimed. Sayeo, now aggravated by the destruction of the tower, cackled. "This isn't the original body of LLMOA. While we were examining the history of different entities, we found a mythical search. That search was LLMOA. After minor examinations to his body, we made an exact clone to the entity and fused him in me, making him 2 times stronger in my body. As the rebirthed version of LLMOA roared, Gerald smirked. "I think I can take this guy…" he thought to himself. "Bring it on, Sayeo!" he exclaimed, shouting loudly into the skies of Diamond City.