Death Desert! A Region Of Hell!

2,000 feet above the Winding Forest, Team ENTITY continued their two hour journey to Death Desert. As they climbed the mountain which is a part of Yugi, the path they were using to arrive there, they could see Diamond City from the other side of the forest - 100 miles away. As Gerald looks at the colourful city in the distance of the night, he lets out a minor smile. "Congratulations, Forrest. You are the only one with the right to rebirth the city." Meanwhile higher up on the mountain, an introverted Michael leads the entire team up. Kevin looks around the forest, then back at Michael. "How long until we get there?" Kevin exclaims. Michael looks at the map Jayden had given him back at Crystal City, then looks at Kevin. "We still have the mountain and the canyon to cross." Gerald, curious about the canyon, snatches the map from Michael. "Hey, you could've asked, dumbass!" Michael exclaimed. As Gerald opened the map, he saw the entire passageway to Death Desert along with the thirteen cities and deserts that inhabited it. Suddenly, the wind flipped a page over, showing the most infamous bounties DD had to offer. Samantha, who was busy making sure Spooky was ok from her entity transition back at DC, looks at Gerald's map over his shoulder. 


Ramari Black


Gerald throws the newspaper back to Michael. "Nah, nothing bad there!" he says. Suddenly, Gerald tripped over a rock on the mountain, almost falling down to the Winding Forest. Suddenly, Samantha pulls him up. "Get a hold of yourself, buddy." she says formally. Suddenly, the mountain ended at an abrupt ledge, finally putting DD in view. But the thing was that it was on the other side of the 500 foot canyon.

As Kevin examined the canyon, he scoffed. "How the hell did DDLFO even get here!?" he exclaimed. "How are we going to get all the way to D-" Samantha holds Kevin's mouth, then jumps off the ledge of the canyon. As she jumps, she uses her foot to generate wind, making it easy to cross the 500 foot canyon. Kevin froze. "Damn, I forgot about that. But can't I just do this?"


Kevin wasn't even close to the other side, but he was damn well falling through the canyon clouds. As he got ahold of himself, he followed Samantha by moon walking on the wind. Gerald sighed. "I have a faster method!" he said, generating fire from his hands. In 70 seconds, he was to the other side already - now, it was just Kevin, Michael, and Samantha.  As Michael got ready to proceed too, the gang spotted a big wave of sand coming at them at full speed - and they were smack in the middle of the canyon. As Kevin screamed, Samantha tried to escape with Michael. But it was too late - everyone was swallowed up by the massive sandstorm. As Gerald looked back, he scoffed. "No! Don't die on me!" he said, jumping back down to save his friends.

Would Gerald die along with them, or would they end up in Death Desert? 

Meanwhile back in the middle of Death Desert, Rian, Zara, and Kaelan scaled the hills trying to get back to the Sunspire region. Suddenly, Rian fell on the ground in dehydration, desperate for a drop of water. Zara looked back at Rian, trying to comfort him. As Kaelan saw a small village in the distance, he proceeded to carry Rian there, determined to get him something to drink and somewhere safe. As the moon continued to hover over the desert, meanwhile back in Sunspire, a man walked through the vacant city at night, looking for his next victims to "rob" (or was he). Suddenly, the police ambushed this man and started screaming idiotically. "You're under arrest, Black!" a man shouted in excitement. As the police prepared to shoot at him, he sighed mysteriously. "I'm not Black. I only use my powers for good.. As a protector of the phantoms, I can't let you kill me here." As he continues his transformation, the police try to shoot at him.

The bullets continue to ricochet.

"We can't take him! Run for your life!" one man exclaims, giving up on the spot. As the roads continued to open up, the city split in half for a temporary time. showing a giant sea monster from beneath. The men ran as the mysterious man who they had encountered held them back with a grapple hook. "You guys mess with Xavier, I recommend you say your prayers!" he exclaims angrily. The man was also known as Xavier, protector of the phantoms. As the policemen continue to meet their impending demise, the city is still in a deep sleep as the centre of the city continues to run wild. "HE'S DANGEROUS! PUT A BOUNTY OF 50,000 ON HIS H-" A policeman was interrupted by the sea monster. His head was cut off by the deadly sharp teeth it contained. As the ground closed, Xavier reverted back to his normal form, and the ground continued to close.

As everything returned back to normal, only one thing was missing.

The policemen were swallowed up and were still under the ground.

Xavier continued to sigh. "Time to look around the desert for any new phantoms.. It's 4 AM now. But first, I need something to eat…"

Meanwhile in the middle of the desert, Samantha and Michael landed next to each other, Spooky being further out. As Samantha finally woke up, she slapped Michael, who was dreaming about something unusual… Samantha picked up Spooky, looking into the night sky that DD held. "Should we begin our investigation?" Samantha whispered to Michael. Michael smirked slightly on his face. "Sure. Let's go for it." 

Their mission? Discover the pyramid of Saharasul for any clues