An Unusual Alliance! The Kawasaki’s and Hana!

As the morning wind blew the bushes of Sunstone Park, as people continued to gather, walk, and even hang out with friends, the Sunstone Trio were doing all three of those things.

As Rian continued to count to 100 for hide and seek, both Zara and Kaelan continued to dash through the park, attempting to find the best hiding place there was. Suddenly, both Kaelan and Zara tripped over a small pebble, falling straight into the grass. As they continued to laugh, Rian had stopped counting. "Here I come!" he exclaimed, examining his surroundings. Suddenly, Rian popped out from the bush that was shielding Kaelan and Zara out of view. "Found you!" he exclaimed. As Kaelan let out a cold sweat, he grinned. "Do you guys wanna have another Pula?" Zara and Rian grinned in excitement. "Of course we do! We're tied 499-499!" A Pula was a tradition in Death Desert which included multiple physical challenges. Unlike the Great Dune Dash, it was another form of Olympics in the region, also including traditional games played in Yumalia (which is present day DD).

"What game are we going to do first?" Kaelan asked his friends. "A RACE!" Zara exclaimed. "CAPTURE THE FLAG!" As they continued to bicker on their opinions, Kaelan broke up the fight. "Let's just play Rock Paper Scissors. Winner gets to decide what game we play." Zara and Rian grinned. "Bring it on, bestie!" they said, hyped up. Back in the deserts where the Kawasaki Clam HQ sat, the members continued to draft plans for the kidnapping of Zara Faimasa. "How about we take a helicopter and attach it to a giant net?" Ikama scoffed. "Zara's a 7 year old girl, of course the reckless twerp will be able to break o-" Suddenly, a beautiful middle aged woman walked into the room, taking a seat formally. As the rest of the table continued to stay silent, the woman proceeded to introduce herself. "My name is Hana (1,320,000.) I am a former agent of Aybara, and I have heard about your conspiracy against the organization. Lucky you, I have all the information you guys will need if you want to kidnap Zara Faimasa!" All the men laughed. "This dumbass knows every single thing about a big company named Aybara? These jokes are getting wor-" Suddenly, Hana slammed her hands down onto the desk, grabbing the attention of the men. "After Aybara's departure from Embercliff, small portions of members have been coming in ever since. The Faimasa clan is the only group of Aybara that has fully arrived at the parish. Zara, Hakim, Guda, Ganin, and Yamaha. Although the current party at the base is significantly strong, while the Black clan has still not arrived yet, we would have an open opportunity to kidnap Zara tonight. The night makes it easier for infiltration, as Hakim dozes off every evening around 6 PM." The entire table froze. "How the hell do you know so much about Aybara?" Itama asked Hana scoffs. "Don't ask me questions!" Itama sunk back in his seat. "Yes ma'am…" he stuttered. Hana continues. "If we sneak into the office of King Raja and leave a note with the coordinates to the new base, after we take Zara hostage, the entire Faimasa clan will be captured or dealing with the units in the Death Desert Government." Yara spoke up. "Why are we trusting some random Aybara representative? She might be as delusional as the rest!" All the remaining men at the table continue to agree with Yara, verifying his point. As Hana accidentally proceeds to step in the puddle of blood the man had shed across the floor, she rolled her eyes. I recommend you guys begin your plan now. If you need me, I'll be on the outskirts of Embercliff by 8 PM sharp. Be there." As Hana closed the door behind her, the boys froze. "Damn, she's beautiful and smart!" Yuba said. As a result of that unnecessary statement, everyone just proceeded to look at him in silence and disgust for the next hour. As Hana continued to depart the scene on her horse, she let out a slight tear. "Hakim…" she thought to herself. "You've had your turn, and now it's mine."

Back at Aybara's headquarters, as Hakim continued to read his newspaper to see the new bounties that were released that following day, an old lady walked into the room with a big smile on her face. "Hi, Hakim!" she said, grinning. As Hakim dropped the coffee he was holding in his hand, he proceeded to stutter. "H-hi, Ganin!" The elderly woman was also known as Ganin Faimasa, with a bounty of 1,826.000. As Ganin continued to pass the startled Hakim, a sense of worry came rushing through his mind like a tsunami. "Hakim, I know what you did to Zara's mother. And as a result, you will pay very soon…" Ganin said, giving him chills. "How did she survive too…?" he thought. Back at Sunstone Park, the 339th game of Rock Paper Scissors continued between Rian and Zara, breaking a record for the longest ongoing game. As a tired Kaelan continues to rub his eyes, he looks at Zara and Rian, who were both still in perfect condition. "Can we go home yet…" Kaelan said, yawning. "We'll do the Pula tomorrow!" As Zara and Rian continued to focus on their game, only one thing kept coming to their head. "MUST… WIN… GAME!" they both thought. As their hands continued to spread out to cast their move, both sides finally fell asleep after a five hour game, giving Kaelan the green light to go home. As he picked up his two friends, he proceeded to cruise up the hill out of the park.

Meanwhile in the office of King Raja, as the king finally got the opportunity to look down at Embercliff once again after a hard day of work, he noticed a small piece of paper lying on his desk. "What's this?" he thought to himself, picking it up.

"AYBARA'S NEW BASE IS IN SUNSTONE VILLAGE." it said. No signature whatsoever. As Raja continued to question the paper, there were only two important ones that he had to know - who wrote this, and was it accurate?