Arrival! The Battle Commences!

Flashback from yesterday's chapter…

"I can't take these gunshots! They feel too weird!" she thought to herself. As she nodded her head, she knew she had one thing to do.


As the grounds of Embercliff proceeded to shake, Ganin felt a roar coming from inside her body. "It has finally arisen!" she said, leaving all the other soldiers in fear. Suddenly, her arm proceeded to move on its own as the tattoo-like seal that held DDLFO continued to turn from blue to red. Suddenly, Ganin scoffed. "This can't be happening!" she exclaimed. As she screamed in pain, DDLFO continued to fill her mind with evil thoughts. "LET…. ME… OUT. LET… ME… OUT."

As Ganin screamed, she finally snapped. DDLFO came out of the seal while applying tremendous force to Ganin's arm, causing her to get onto the ground and cough up tremendous amounts of blood. Suddenly, the force got too strong. "I CAN'T DO THIS!" Ganin exclaimed. Suddenly, her arm was cut off from the rest of her body, creating a trail of red, warm blood. As the soldiers gasped in pity, looking at the injured Ganin, they scoffed. "Are you oka-"

Suddenly, the immobilized hand proceeded to move around as the tattoo continued to fade away. As DDLFO finally seeped out of the seal, fire came out of his hands, leaving the entire capital of Embercliff in a helpless state. "DDLFO HAS AWOKEN!" one man exclaimed, retreating. "WE CAN'T TAKE HIM!" another man exclaimed to the other soldiers. As Ganin proceeded to scream dramatically on the floor, it was official. After 3,000 years, DDLFO would not unleash hell on Yumalia this time, but the lively region of Death Desert. Suddenly, the menacing entity charged up a fistful full of fire, attempting to give the soldiers no escape. As he charged at them, he was stopped by a blinding yet painful bolt of lightning, combined with fire. As the wind continued to spread over Embercliff, the entity proceeded to get dragged across the city. As the culprits revealed their faces, they all smiled. Kevin, Xavier, Gerald, Samantha, and Spooky had finally arrived on the scene, ready to kick ass. Kevin, motivated by confidence, scoffed. "As I trained for a month nonstop, I finally got to unlock the element of wind, using it in every painful shape of form on entities I've encountered. Halfway into the training journey, I got the mythical elements Mythium and Exotium. Combining all of my current elements, I proceeded to make my NEW FORM!" As DDLFO continued to face off with Kevin, smoke proceeded to fill the air. Samantha scoffed in awe. "Kevin's really doing that now!?" Gerald laughed, igniting tremendous amounts of Blue Fire from his leg. "Let's cause a ruckus in the city." As Kevin's transformation continued, Mythium and Exotium continued to combine around his body, creating an unknown yellow substance. As he continued to laugh, he knew this would be effective against the entity with tremendous strength. "One month… and I'm going to obliterate you!" As Kevin finally spat his final speech out, the form was complete. Samantha, looking back in awe, saw Kevin's new element. "WHAT THE HELL!?" Samantha exclaimed. Kevin smirked. "I present to you… Stormwrath!" Gerald laughs. "Nice name, bro! Sounds like a rejected VIDEO GAME- HAHAHAHAHAAH!" As Gerald proceeded to roll on the floor in laughter, an annoyed DDLFO charged up to him, recognizing the face. In the blink of an eye, Gerald was off the ground, holding up his leg as he continued to clash with the fire of DDLFO. "I'm not losing to you again," Gerald said. "We're finishing this fight, if it's the last thing we do!" Suddenly, both Kevin and Gerald charged up to DDLFO, ready to begin the fight.

"WE'LL BOTH KILL YOU!" Gerald and Kevin said in unison. Meanwhile back at the vacant World Summit rendezvous location, Hana continued to climb multiple mountains, destined to make it to the venue as soon as possible. "No… world leaders… are dying… because of my family!" Hana exclaimed, continuing her hour-long journey up the snowy mountain. The World Summit was an event that happened every four years. King Raja, along with other world leaders including Forrest would be headed to it within 24 hours of beginning. Despite the unknown status of King Raja, Aybara proceeded to venture to Embercliff in determination to throw it into hell, inferring aimlessly that King Raja sat at his desk. Now that these chaotic events finally went into motion, Team ENTITY finally had a chance of saving Death Desert. As Samantha continued to hold up the seal that DDLFO sat in before his escape, creating a link between him and the seal, it backfired miserably. "We have to defeat him before sealing him, Samantha! If we don't do that, then he'll break out in another year!" Gerald exclaimed. Samantha scoffed. "Guess I have to join the fight too…" As she put one knee down, charging up to the menacing entity with her friends, she created a sword and shield of ice, minorly hitting DDLFO in the process. As the entity continued to roar, it hit Samantha through one building, barely injuring the girl. As she continued to drag through the floor of Embercliff, she smiled. "Finally, a real fight we can endure!" Catching back up with her friends, she smiled. "Let's kick some ass, guys!" she said, clenching her fists together. "We won't let Aybara or DDLFO keep rampaging!"