Everyone Dies

"We're just on an adventure to see why these Soul Stealers are trying to take our souls!" Samantha whispered, glancing closely at the woman in the hot tub. "The woman over there is probably a stealer - she's been looking at me even before you guys came flying out of the ceiling…" Matthew rubbed his eyes, the temperature of the room causing him to sweat. "The Soul Stealers? First there's hypnotists at the Mr. King concert, and now there's literal demons!?" Samantha sighed, getting more comfortable with her chair. "When we first met, we were in a building where this weirdo was doing stand-up comedy, although nobody was laughing. I was sitting there nonchalantly until he called me up to the stage and started threatening me, but when he did something to one of the guests, I just snapped. Then, he turned his soul-stealer form on. If it wasn't for Keith, I'm scared that I would've belonged to him…" Keith smiled. "You're lucky I exist, gir-"

Suddenly, the doors to the women's room were burst open by a random leg, the rest of the person's body entering the room. "Where is Tyla Nerfia?" the man said, holding up a gun to everyone in the hot tub. "If you go by that name, I'm going to need you for something." The woman that was allegedly a Soul Stealer looked right at the man, confused. "Fuck - it's that guy! I'm going to steal his soul this time!" she exclaimed, sending everyone into the room in an illusion - an illusion where there was a blue, shining light in their bodies - except the woman, who had a red light in her's. Opening her mouth, she forced everyone to make the same gesture as the blue light seeped out of their mouths. "Everyone here is mine - young man. The more soldiers we gain for our Trilan project, the more accuracy we will have for our trade with Uma Sahua!" Samantha scoffed, trying to keep her soul. "Trade?" All of a sudden, the background returned back to normal, but everyone that was in the hot tub smiling was now frowning, their minds repeating themselves over and over. "What the hell!?" Samantha exclaimed, recovering from the amount of time she had to hold our breath for. "That's one of them."

72 years ago, a new land was publicly ready to be established, also known as the Land Of Trila. After an unexpected encounter with an entity 30 years into its established existence, however, the founder of Trila died unexpectedly, being avenged by Uma Sahua, who was arguably the worst president of the land. Although the allegations still resurface and nobody knows the truth about what is currently happening on the islands and dangerous waters of Turia, Kevin and his friends plan to get to the bottom of this situation. Will they be able to get to the bottom of the allegations casted on Uma, or would they die on the islands? This is ENTITY VOLUME 9: LAND OF TRILA; PART 1.

Kevin and his friends have finally gotten to the Land Of Trila shore, starting a dangerous mission that they would have to undergo. After sealing the failed entity 13939 and meeting Noah and Kyle, they have grown their forces significantly since leaving home - but the question still stands. Will they stand victorious, or will they pay Uma Sahua with their lives? This is ENTITY: Land Of Trila, Part 1.

Everyone Dies

"It's like their brains turned to mush as soon as that weird light left their body and went into hers…" Matthew muttered, sweating as he looked at the woman. "She may be beautiful, but she can easily take our souls - it's time to attack." 

"HAVE SOME RESPECT, MATTHEW! SHE'S A NAKED WOMAN IN A BATHHOUSE, MAYBE YOU SHOULD GO BACK TO THE MEN'S ROOM WHERE YOU TWO BELO-" Matthew charged into the water, his sword overflowing with his power. "Dragon Cut!" he exclaimed, cutting the water into half and leaving a small cut on the Soul Stealer. "What trade are you talking about, woman?"

The woman pointed at Matthew, the crowd looking at him in reply. "Attack him - make him pay for daring to cross me." All of the women charged at him, their speeches all distorted as everyone heard their souls secretly screaming - something that continued to irritate Matthew. Before he could land a hit with his sword, however, he came to the fact that he was about to slash naked women, forcing him to turn away and think about his decisions. Spectating, Samantha rolled her eyes. "You guys are so immature - didn't you learn the reproductive system in school!?" Leaping out of the seat, Samantha ran at the women, completely freezing them and the water. "There - it's all over. Now, WAKE UP!" Matthew sighed, continuing to mutter "women" under his breath. 

The soul stealer glanced at Matthew, then transformed once again. "Another slave? Maybe this will be easy - you all know too much anyway, so I'll just tell you my plan for a vent! The plan is to take everyone's souls, no matter what the objective is! If we manage to get 1,000 people under our control, Uma will exchange a General position for their and our souls! This guy is really strong, so he'll probably fire two generals! Thanks for the promotion, idiot!" Suddenly, Keith snuck up on Tyla, completely knocking the shit out of her. "Who the hell do you think you are - we aren't that stupid to let you take us…" Tyla scoffed, her mouth bleeding tremendously. "H-How are you men not obedient to me already!? I thought this would be easy!"