Raul Appears In Hamila!

"So, you're taking the entire Team ENTITY situation lightly until they arrive in the territory?" Raul asked, his face filled with excitement as he spectated the entire battle, along with Kevin's race against time. "I'm looking forward to battling Kevin - Gerald turned out strong, but if Kevin's stronger, I'm concerned about my health!" he exclaimed, setting down another card. "Fore." Raul muttered, throwing out the card. "So, how's everything been since Hakim died back at the Nahata World Summit?" Fatima smiled, thinking of the past memories of Hakim. "His wife, Hana, was probably pretty devastated. I was distraught as well, because he had granted us control over Death Desert until it was liberated… I wonder what the future holds for dictatorships like Trila and Gargandof, however…" Raul laughed, finishing his pack of cigarettes and throwing it in the recycling bin. "Gargandof? That place was a total loss to begin with! I don't know why their leader keeps medieval times around… I mean, didn't you sign a Rafta Pact with him?" Fatima rubbed his eyes, looking at Raul. "I don't remember what the hell a Rafta Pact is, thank you very much."

"A Rafta Pact is where two or three people have to sign a paper, and if they do, there's no way to reverse it as much as the world currently knows. While you and other people are under a Rafta Pact, you can't fight any of the victims or it'll just end up in a tie, disregarding the power level of one. That is why I beat that one guy up back in Trila…" Fatima threw his pack of cigarettes in the garbage. "I don't plan on fighting any powerful people for a while - if he comes after me, I can just get my family to kill him… I'll probably sell him to Sahua or the government, since they hate me already. But they always have to favorite Gerald over me…"

Kevin and the rest of Team ENTITY have successfully escaped the Land Of Trila, going to find their friend Gerald. Although they still have work they haven't finished back in Trila, however, Kevin promised Itama Kawasaki and Champion Suru that he would return to completely overthrow the Trilan dictatorship. As they continue to cross the seas to Hamila, however, they plan on how to get their friend Gerald Romanti back. In this volume, you will learn about the backstory of Gerald and Bubbles, along with the past of the Romanti Clan. Will Team ENTITY be able to carry on Alex's job and take on the Romanti Clan, or will they die and not be able to return to the diabolical government of Trila? Welcome to ENTITY VOLUME 10: Chasing Gerald

Volume 10, Chapter 10 - Raul Appears In Hamila!

Alex smiled, fire seeping out of his hands as he jumped up onto Spooky, who was transformed into her entity form. "I'll zoom past this fleet easily!" Alex exclaimed, his fire zooming across the sky. "FIreball!" he exclaimed, completely annihilating and burning the soldiers that stood in his way. "Let's go, idiots! I'm not going to wait all day!" Samantha looked up at the sky, noticing that the road went above the clouds. "That's a long way up…" she muttered to herself, following the rest of Team ENTITY shortly after. Meanwhile back at the ship sat Noah, who continued to dodge every single attack Dana shot at him, no matter if it were big or small. "What the hell is wrong with you!? How are you dodging my attacks so efficiently and effortlessly!?" Noah smiled, his eyes glowing as he looked back at Dana. "Muscle Memory - something I've been mastering since I was born!" In the blink of an eye, Noah delivered a nasty uppercut to Dana, her body landing on the hard ground as all the soldiers continued to look at the fight. "He took down Lord Dana - teach him a lesson!" a soldier exclaimed, holding his sniper up to Noah. "Muscle memory won't help you in this situation, boy! Go to hell!" Noah sighed, catching the bullet. "You're gonna have to try harder than that if you want to catch me - are you really that stupid?" he smiled, taking a bite of the metal bullet. "While you guys are here losing to me, Team ENTITY is on their way up!" Suddenly, two soldiers charged up on Noah, holding up their swords to the sky and inputting all their power into the hit. "We're gonna make sure you don't ever see them again, then! Same for your little friend too - he's already done since he's going up against a hundred battleships!" Noah sensed the soldiers approaching them, controlling their heads and giving them both a headbutt before they both fell onto the ground unconscious. "Get up, Dana. You wouldn't want to disappoint Fatima." Back on the ship, Kyle drew his swords, glancing at all of the battleships that surrounded the coast. "10 shots - let's make them count." he muttered, drawing his sword to the first row. Before he knew it, loads of cannonballs were coming at him, but they somehow managed to not reach the ship. Right after the last cannonball was fired, Kyle sent a massive sword cut across the sky, completely cutting and sinking the first row of ships. "You guys are going to need a better method than that." he muttered nonchalantly, his swords drawn to the next row. "I'll wipe you out…"

"IN A SECOND!" Kevin muttered, continuing his desperate rush up the hill to find Gerald. "Just two more miles, and I'm home fre-" Kevin was then met with multiple knives raining down from the sky, along with a strong enemy approaching. "This is the child that beat Poly in one shot?" a Romanti General, Natalie Romanti muttered, smoking a cigarette as she drew her swords and charged at Kevin. "You won't get through our power, kid! Give up and leave, Gerald's our-"

"I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!" Kevin exclaimed, digging his hands into the ground, picking a big chunk of it up. "He lifted the ground with his bare hands!? What the hell is his power!?" Kevin looked at Natalie, throwing the big clump of dirt up into the sky. "DIE!" he exclaimed, Natalie cutting right through it like it was nothing. But right after she let her guard down, Kevin struck her with a punch that sent her flying out into the sea where Maha was - the dangerous seas of Romanti Territory. "COME OUT AND FIGHT ME, FATIMA ROMANTI!" Kevin exclaimed, continuing to completely annihilate anyone that stood in his way.